I beat Donkey Kong Country. Fortunately I have Donkey Kong Country 2 & 3 to take the edge off of that let down. I've also been playing a pretty amazing game (non-GM) called Excellent Bifurcation, which got second to Clean Asia! in the Shmup_Dev contest. You should play it. Frankly, except for the music, I'm not sure Clean Asia! is actually any better. In it, you control two ships at once. Lots of crazy bullet-dodging action.

I'm eating an English muffin right now. It's pretty good. It's snowing right now. In freaking April. And it's sticking. Life sucks. I mean, I like snow, but not on Spring Break.
I leave you with a story:
Once, there was a kid who took his mom's hairspray, climbed his dad's latter, sprayed a bunch of cloroflourocarbons into the atmosphere, and then got sucked into space through the hole in the ozone layer that his doing so had created.
Where I live it snowed for over a whole day without stopping but east of where I live, like the state next door got hammered.