
Posted by Jabberwock on Nov. 16, 2007, 12:18 a.m.


Confession time: I'm xenophobic. And I don't mean I'm afraid of creepy guy who hasn't seen soap, toothpaste or a razor in months and probably hasn't engaged in any act of hygiene in his entire life (though I am afraid of that guy. We all are). I mean like I'm afraid of anyone I pass on the sidewalk, even middle school girls. I kid you not, the first thought that goes through my head whenever I see anyone I don't know is, "can I take this guy/girl?" It's really very distracting, and it gets in the way of more pertinent things, like enjoying the natural beauty of a cookie-cutter neighborhood. And the fact that the answer to that question is usually "no" doesn't help. So if you say "hi" to a guy you don't know, and he suddenly screams and runs away, that guy might have been me.


I'm making a screensaver in GM. It's gonna be awesome. It'll also be customizable. It's a fireworks show sort of thing. It's better than it sounds.

I don't know if I'm entering this big, cash-money prize YoYoGames contest yet or not. For one thing, I don't really like YoYoGames, and the contest's restrictions (no fullscreen? no resolution changing? honestly!) really chafe me. But those cash-money prizes sure are a temptation.

(Yes, I know "cash-money" is not acceptable usage in any language, English least of all. But I think it's funny, and I know my rights.)


I've taken to printing all my school assignments on lined paper. I started because I didn't have any normal paper, and now I can't stop.

I think that will be all. Good day to you, sir. (Or madam, though I think that rather unlikely.)


Bryan 17 years, 3 months ago

Poor you, there is no need to fear strangers, they are just like you =)

OL 17 years, 3 months ago

And they all want to kill you…

stampede 17 years, 3 months ago

Whatever phobias you have, I still love you and your avatar <3

DevonX 17 years, 3 months ago

I think I have a touch of that, but it's only after dark. Or in really creepy neighborhoods.

shawn 17 years, 3 months ago

I'm good with talking to people I dont know. :)

sorry mate

isnt the yoyo games comp like 1,000 dollars?

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

Hmm… I thought xenophobia was a fear of foreigners.

PY 17 years, 3 months ago

Fear of both, I think. One moment.

Yeah, fear of Foreigners and strangers

frenchcon1 17 years, 3 months ago

Confession time: I'm xenophobic

Confession time: Me too. But not over the internet.

kikko fergae 17 years, 3 months ago

I live in a little village and everyone always says "hi" when they walk past. I guess there'd be cause for a bit of xenophobia in cities though, unfortunately.

Maxcore 17 years, 3 months ago

Confession time: grow some balls.