Let's Play A Game.

Posted by Jabberwock on April 17, 2009, 8:05 p.m.

Here's the game: following are some song lyrics. You have to identify the song and artist (if you know one, I imagine you know the other). And NO Googling. Note: these songs are somewhat randomly selected; they're all songs I like, but not really significant beyond that.

1. you were wrong when you said everything will be just fine

2. and we will walk and talk in gardens all wet with rain, and I will never ever grow so old again

3. rats and children follow me out of town

4. as logic stands you couldn't meet a man who's from the future

5. this is not a joke so please stop laughing

6. lie to me, if you will

7. i was dressed for success, but success it never comes

8. interpol and deutsche bank, fbi and scotland yard

9. why don't we stop fooling ourselves? the game is over, over, over

10. i cried myself to sleep last night and the ghost of carl approached my window

11. we were drinking drinking drinking drinking coca coca cola

12. saw it written and i saw it say, pink moon is on its way

Criticize my musical taste if you like. However, if you think I am less than full of crap, you may [shameless self-endorsement warning] enjoy the following:


It is music. I made it.

Hope you're having a nice day.

Mood: great.

Health: fair; mild allergies.

Listening to: Sounds of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel

Ultravisitor, by Squarepusher

Keep It Like A Secret, by Built to Spill

Feels, by Animal Collective

Watching: firefly.

Dreaming: vaguely and with frequency.


Rez 15 years, 11 months ago

11. Tiny cities made of ashes… working on the others. XD

Rez 15 years, 11 months ago

Oh and fantastic music on that myspace btw.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 11 months ago

Your music seems to be very cheerful.

DSG 15 years, 11 months ago

cheerful things are synonymous with ignorance and denial.

DSG 15 years, 11 months ago

wow you're music is good. master it better omg!

Distortion 15 years, 11 months ago

sounds like music that people would listen to. Not me though, it is not the kind of music I like, but that doesn't say anything about the quality.

Of course it isn't professional studio quality, but it has a lot of potential I think. If you have the right equipment then you can make studio quality music in your room. My uncle has a band, and he is good enough to make a living out of it. He has released 4 or 5 albums and all recorded in his living room. All he uses is a good microphone, a mixpanel(not sure if I use the right word there) and an expensive computer program.

How do you record your guitar, it sounds like you plug it in directly to your computer. Because all the slides are quite loud, I was told to buy a sort of amplifier that you put between your guitar and the computer, so that you can lower the sensitivity of the recording and slides/picks aren't that loud anymore.

Or do you like the sliding sounds?

PS: I am having a nice day, thanks!

frenchcon1 15 years, 11 months ago

Hello jeff, I want to play a game.

Cesque 15 years, 11 months ago

Blimey, I don't know a single one. I thought #5 and #11 sound familiar, though. Probably was wrong.

Jabberwock 15 years, 11 months ago

Where's Polyman? I'm betting he would know all of these, except maybe one or two. :(

OBELISK 15 years, 11 months ago

All I got was 11.