Let's Play A Game.

Posted by Jabberwock on April 17, 2009, 8:05 p.m.

Here's the game: following are some song lyrics. You have to identify the song and artist (if you know one, I imagine you know the other). And NO Googling. Note: these songs are somewhat randomly selected; they're all songs I like, but not really significant beyond that.

1. you were wrong when you said everything will be just fine

2. and we will walk and talk in gardens all wet with rain, and I will never ever grow so old again

3. rats and children follow me out of town

4. as logic stands you couldn't meet a man who's from the future

5. this is not a joke so please stop laughing

6. lie to me, if you will

7. i was dressed for success, but success it never comes

8. interpol and deutsche bank, fbi and scotland yard

9. why don't we stop fooling ourselves? the game is over, over, over

10. i cried myself to sleep last night and the ghost of carl approached my window

11. we were drinking drinking drinking drinking coca coca cola

12. saw it written and i saw it say, pink moon is on its way

Criticize my musical taste if you like. However, if you think I am less than full of crap, you may [shameless self-endorsement warning] enjoy the following:


It is music. I made it.

Hope you're having a nice day.

Mood: great.

Health: fair; mild allergies.

Listening to: Sounds of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel

Ultravisitor, by Squarepusher

Keep It Like A Secret, by Built to Spill

Feels, by Animal Collective

Watching: firefly.

Dreaming: vaguely and with frequency.


Polystyrene Man 15 years, 11 months ago

Just found this and I'm heading out the door. I'll do it tonight.

Feels, by Animal Collective
Good man!

s 15 years, 11 months ago

Polyman introduced me to Animal Collective. It was only recently that I came across some acceptable speakers that allowed Flesh Canoe to be heard for what it is truly worth. There's some things that just don't work with mono

There's a person I trade musical tastes with. I do believe I'll point him towards Harrison Lemke

I've not the will to hassle for a myspace ripper, so I'll have to satisfy my collection with the free pieces of Disparities

Polystyrene Man 15 years, 10 months ago

1. You Were Right, Built to Spill

2. ? Jeff Buckley

3. Kid A, Radiohead

4. All We Have is Now, Flaming Lips

7. ? Pavement

9. Overs, S & G

10. ? Sufjan

Can't get the song names for some of these guys…

Jabberwock 15 years, 10 months ago

Ah, you got the Simon and Garfunkel one. Even more points for you in my book.

As for the others, you're all right, except it's Van Morrison ("Sweet Thing"), not Jeff Buckley.

And the Pavement song is "Here", and the Sufjan song is… well, okay, *I* don't remember the name exactly. One of those long ones. "The Columbian Exposition Of 1893 Part 2 - Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream," I think.

Jabberwock 15 years, 10 months ago

Oh, and thanks a lot serprex. And the rest of you who said kind things.

And yes, you were right, Rez, for the record.

Polystyrene Man 15 years, 10 months ago

Heh, I don't listen to much Simon and Garfunkel, I just happen to know that song. It is quite good. Most of their stuff is.

Jabberwock 15 years, 10 months ago

@Distortion - I line the guitar in through a tremolo pedal, usually, because it's the only pedal I've got. :D And it sounds better than lining stuff in directly, though not by much. Basically, my equipment just isn't that good. :/ Except for my guitar, it's all pretty much dirt cheap. I'll upgrade eventually, though. Though I think the fret noise is nice, in moderation… but yeah, there's probably too much. And thanks for not hating on my music just 'cause it's not your thing.

@Polyman - damn right it is. The album Bookends is downright brilliant. In my top 5. A fantastic duo, though they did some subpar stuff here and there. Like, about half of Bridge Over Troubled Water, and their entire first album except a song or two. :( But I guess that's a better average than most 60s artists.

frenchcon1 15 years, 10 months ago

I really like your music, can you upload it so I can have it on my iPod? :D

R 15 years, 10 months ago

I could have guessed a few, but Poly beat me.

Also, Pavement is great. Didn't know you listened.

Jabberwock 15 years, 10 months ago

Everyone who's anyone listens to Pavement.