I Wish I Were Your Derivative

Posted by Jabberwock on Feb. 1, 2011, 6:41 p.m.

Hey guys. I just finished a new release of lo-fi/8-bit/whatever music and I thought a few of you might like it.

An EP about love, math, and the subjunctive mood.

You can download it for free here, or if you'd like to pay a few dollars in exchange for a couple of bonus tracks, higher bit rates, the satisfaction of performing an act of kindness, etc., you should go here instead:



Jabberwock 14 years, 1 month ago

@hel - having the tracks flow into one another was kind of the idea behind this particular release, so I'm glad it felt that way to you.

In general I like short songs, because my philosophy is that if you want to hear something repeated, you can always just listen to the song a second time. But I also like songs that are structurally complex (these two things are far from mutually exclusive, in my opinion), and that is where much of my work sort of falls apart. It's a wall I can't seem to break through.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 12 months ago

I went ahead and bought the album, I like high bitrates, and upon listening to the EP again I like it more :3

Also, Vector Sum is an awesome song.