So I haven't posted here in a while, to say the least. But the last couple times I popped in out of nowhere to post music I made and then disappear, you guys actually listened to it, so it's time to do that again. But I might not disappear. But don't count on it.
IN DEATH A DREAM OF COLORThis is my weird prog/metal/ambient album that I wrote in some kind of an att. One guy one time said it was a "tour-de-force"; what a nice thing to say. Anyway, you can listen to it up above on Bandcamp, and you can download it for free here:
BLACK GATE EPThis is my new EP from this summer. It's just one really long song. You can get it on a floppy disk if that sounds like a good idea to you. But you can also download it for free here: I've been starting to make NES music instead of all this fake chiptune stuff, and it's really fun actually. I haven't put together much of consequence on that front, but there are a couple on my SoundCloud.
In other news, I finished college and now I'm at that part where I don't know what to do with my life but am pretty sure I don't want to program computers even though that's what I learned in school. Right now I'm torn between trying to make it in life as a musician or becoming an English teacher or both. So that's me. How about you?
3 minutes in to Black Gate. i've been avoiding any harsh music lately cause of migraines… but i'm gonna just say this is worth it haha. i love your sound in general. that album with Polyhedral Funk, i think you really found your sound/niche then, it was really monumental. and that feels like ages ago haha.
and yes it'd be cool to see you around. we're down a few musicians, but the cool ones are still here at least. :P Acid's planning an album later this year, and i'm planning my own. might be time for a new 64music competition soon! :)8 minutes into Black Gate now. i like the gradual mood changes, you manage to keep this really interesting without as many dramatic switches as, say, I Wish I Were Your Derivative's title track. the ending sounds epic. you should find a vocalist *pointing to self* to collab with. :P great to hear your sound again.Fuck year, Jabberwock
Please stay this time :3cI was actually listening through the Hero Core soundtrack yesterday, hahahaI'm currently in the middle of Black Gate, and it sounds super cool. I didn't know you were on SoundCloud either, I'll have to take a look through it.60 seconds into In Death a Dream of Color and digging it
I'm gonna give this new music a listen and give some detailed feedback later, but I just wanted to say around last year I rediscovered your music by playing hero core and damn dude, you got talent. I love the kinda experimental stuff you do and you do it so well. Good luck on all your future endeavors.
yeah, I definitely understand experiencing conflict between your interests and stuff. If you want to talk it over sometime, I'd be game for that.
Thanks for all the nice comments about the music, guys! I'll try to be around more, I kind of forgot that there are some cool people around here (and I'm surprised any of them want to talk to me; reading some of my old posts, I was a real stinker).I've listened to quite a bit of your music in the past, and one day I'll definitely have to order some floppies just for the heck of it. :P
Loving Black Gate. Sets an excellent mood.Jabberwock! Good to see you around (whether you decide to hang around for longer or not).
I remember loving your chiptunes in the past… which makes me feel weird for not liking this batch. The Black Gate is probably better than the rest, but it still feels like polished-out noise… where contradictions converge and the end result doesn't sound very enjoyable to me. It all reminds me of automatically generated music.Also, your Black Gate cover reminds me of the House of Leaves.listened to the first three tracks of In Death a Dream of Color and its spectacular. really enjoying the ways they build and transition.
Thanks guys. Here are a couple of my NES tunes, by the way: - I've never seen that book but it looks awesome. Sorry you didn't dig these songs; just one of those things I guess. They're pretty different from what I've done in the past so it makes sense that some people would be out of sympathy with them.Also, Rez and Cesque both, you have great avatars these days.