Folk Tunes Upon Folk Tunes

Posted by Jabberwock on Aug. 28, 2013, 2:39 p.m.

So since I was last around here, the majority of my creative energy has actually gone to a lyrically-centered folk music project featuring sloppy harmonica playing, tape hiss, angst, and other instruments. I've written and recorded LOTS of stuff that still is not online for one reason or another but there are some songs you can check out on my SoundCloud page:

I also have a mini-album of mostly-depressing Christmas-themed songs that I made (mostly) last winter. I know it's not the time of year for it exactly, but you can get it for free here if you want:

Anyway, I have a couple of releases I'm working on finishing right now, so if you like this at all, stay tuned.

Other Stuff

I read through my old blog posts on this site. A sincere apology to everyone who was around for those days because I used to be a real brat. I'd delete them but it's good to remember where you came from once in a while.

So what's new with you? Does anyone else here do non-electronic music?


abbeyminor 11 years, 6 months ago

Hey! I don't know if we've officially met.

I really like to sing and I'd love to make music like this. However, I don't have the patience to sit down and really learn how to play an instrument to accompany myself. So kudos to you for learning two!

I absolutely love the first song up there, "Born to Lose You." I really like your voice and you sound to me like Interpol a lot. And that's a good thing. :)

I really like your style. Especially your angst!

spike1 11 years, 6 months ago

Had a listen to some of your songs, and although like many people I don't listen to that sort of music, I actually really enjoyed these :). I really like the guitar, thats probably my favorite instrument out of them all, but I also liked the lyrics. Ã? would love to see what they would sound like with a proper recording studio, because I think their quite good. Have to admit though, not much of a harmonica fan. I remember my sister once got a harmonica(and she was really bad(sorry sister :P)lol), and she would play it 24/7, so I think that has scarred me and given me a lifelong fear of harmonicas :D.

Now, onto your question :D. I sort of don''t. All my music is made on the computer, but It uses piano/strings samples most of the time. Heres a like to my SoundCloud page in case you want to have a look :).

Btw, on the topic of your old blogs(I decided to have a look at them :)), I noticed one post which intrigued me. It was when you said that the reason your instrumentals were so short was because you would always try to build on one idea, and there's only so much repetition that can be good. I have the same problem, and I was wondering if you had solved it, and if so do you have any tips lol :D.

But yeah, I like your music :)

aeron 11 years, 6 months ago

featuring … angst, and other instruments
Ah yes, angst, my instrument of choice ;)

Giving these a listen, I really dig your style! They remind me of stuff an old buddy of mine used to write. I'm also jelly of that harmonica, I've never been able to use one effectively with any of my music (to answer your other question, I too write non-electronic music). Thanks for posting, you're inspiring me to pick up my acoustic more often. I've been playing mostly electric guitar and bass for the past year since it's convenient, but my singing and recording skills have suffered due to the lack of attention I've given them. I'll keep coming back to your soundcloud to remind myself to get the ball rolling again!

Quietus 11 years, 6 months ago

Hidden Spaces sounds like a lost Elliott Smith song. really amazing. you've got the angst and guitar appeggios of Sun Kil Moon too haha. i think your soft songs are the best.

i used to play my grandfather's harmonica a lot, fun instrument but it gets on everyone's nerves :P

i haven't had much luck with non-electronic music yet. i experimented with putting vocals and guitar on one electronic piece, but it was kind of improvised, i put more thought into the guitar solos than the lyrics lmao.

i do have a few good covers on youtube though. this one's old but still my favorite.

Jabberwock 11 years, 6 months ago

@hel - thanks, I like Elliott Smith and Sun Kil Moon both, so I'll take that as a complement. Nice cover, Carry Me Ohio is a great song. :)

Yeah, the harmonica is kind of difficult to play well. I can do a little bit with it (i.e. bend notes and play some melodies) because I practiced a lot at one point in my life, but I've kind of coasted on that for a while. Personally I love it in acoustic songs because when it's one of only three elements present it carry a lot of weight. But I get that it's kind of a controversial instrument.

@spike1 - my solution to the problem of repetitive instrumentals has honestly just been to write disconnected parts and string them together in some way. That or approach instrumentals like I would a song, with verses and choruses and bridges (I haven't actually done this but I think it'd work). Thanks for the comment on the lyrics as well, they are important to me.

@abbeyminor - good to meet you! The Interpol comparison is not one I've heard before; I haven't really listened to them so I'm not sure what about me reminds you of them, but if it's good, I'll take that. :) As for learning the guitar… eh, if you can find an instrument, any instrument, that you just like to play, you should be able to learn it quickly enough. It's hard to find the patience to learn an instrument as a means to an end though.

Jabberwock 11 years, 6 months ago
Mush 11 years, 6 months ago

Wow how did I miss this? I love your folk stuff; still listening to the album and I am very much enjoying it.