What I've been up to...

Posted by Jax on Sept. 19, 2007, 4:57 p.m.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my third blog, I don't blog very much so this is a bog deal to me. :P Well to the blog!… I have been playing Star Craft a lot. My brother got me the expansion pack for my birthday which was the 14th. Well I had surgery a day ago and gonna go back to school tommrrow, the surgury was not serious just mouth surgery. A few nights ago I dreamed my pillow exploded… When I woke up my pillow had just fallen on the floor. A very odd thing to dream… My brother loves Halo and wants me to help him make a fan game but I just don't feel like making a Halo game. I wish I could get a new computer but I don't have the money.(my computer is making a very loud grrgrgrgrgrrr noise) Started school about 4 weeks ago and it is goin great! This year I have really nice teachers, they hardly assign homework! Yay! I have this friend who lives in my neighborhood he is taking an online collage that uses GM, I can help him on his homework and I'm only in Middle School!(arn't I smart! lol) Yeah he has been using GM for a few weeks now and I have used it for a few years now so thats the only reason I can help him with homework. Hmm… Isn't that odd that his classes are at home yet he has homework… Well I hope I didn't bore you, thanks to all who read!



Crane-ium 17 years, 5 months ago

Awesome, me and you have something in common. My PS2 makes the same noises!

Just so you know, today is international pirate day! So celebrate in your pirate costumes (I know you guys have them) and talk like a pirate.

jsorgeagames 17 years, 5 months ago

Arr, swab da deck, ye bilge-drinkin' scum! Move! Arrggghh!

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

My ps2 makes a noise very similar to "Bah weep granah weep ninni bong"

s 17 years, 5 months ago

Single paragraph writer,eh?

Ya,with games try to use an original title.FanGames/Clones have high expectations and all

Rob 17 years, 5 months ago

I thought this was by Jaxx….And my ps2, is dead silent and stone cold, never overheats, its creepy and awesome at the same time!