Block physics!

Posted by Jesper on May 24, 2007, 3:21 a.m.

Ok everyone, here's a project which I'm currently working on:

block physics in Game Maker (in 3D)

The basic rolling script consists of:

2442 characters, spaces excluded

3052 characters, spaces included

129 lines

It's not really that much, but it ain't nothing [:P].

Oh, here's a video of the physics btw: View!

And no, the low fps is not because the calculations (it can run at 250-300 fps if I want),

but because of Fraps, which drops the fps a lot (but it still is an awesome program! [:D]).

What I'm going to do on the physics is probably adding collisions with each other, if that isn't too hard. First, I am going to work on x rotations too.

And if you think that I just used some sort of 2d engine and used the x and y axis for collisions, you're wrong. I created everything myself, from scretch.

You might wonder why there is no other news. Well, I have a good reason for that. Because though there actually is other news, I won't tell you. At least, not all of you, only some of my friends here and friends on other sites/forums, or on msn. And of course my friends irl.

Some news on forum stuff though. The "Reunited" forum (here), is running pretty good. 27 members atm, and counting [;)]. Also, the re-setting up former "Tgg Team A" over there, is going pretty well. The people who re-applyd, and who are going to re-apply, are only the members which where active on "Tgg Teams", which will leave a rock-solid team [:D]. This is also the reason why the progress of "Barnstormer: 1920" has stopped for a couple of weeks.

Anyways, have a nice day.



sirxemic 17 years, 9 months ago

Quote: YouTube
The video you have requested is not available.

marbs 17 years, 9 months ago

When I read the title I thought it said 3D blob physics, which annoyed me because I've just been trying to do 2D blob physics D=

poultry 17 years, 9 months ago


Jesper 17 years, 9 months ago

Video link fixed.


Gamer3D 17 years, 9 months ago

Good work. I was working on something like that, but only got as far as finding collisions between blocks. (you seem to use a ground plane)

Jesper 17 years, 9 months ago

That's something I'm going to work on too. Though I'm doubting wether I should first do that and then the x rotations or the other way around…

foslock 17 years, 9 months ago

Very cool, although is the movement completely random?

Ex. Drop a block 3 times. Where does it land?

Leviathan 17 years, 9 months ago

I dunno, the physics seem a bit touchy. Better than what I could do, but the box rolls way to much, it should have started tilting the other way after the third or so bounce.

Still, hope to see some updates.

Jesper 17 years, 9 months ago

Leviathan, you are totally right. What I more or les forgot is the friction with the ground :S. I have lots of powers in the physics test now… for example gravity, air friction, ground friction.

Foslock, of course it's not random. What it does depends on several factors such as speed, rotation speed, air friction, ground friction, gravity, and so forth.

smaksak 17 years, 8 months ago

As stated in the youtube comment:

Damn Jesper, you 3D bitch. Awesome.