G3D 3D Effects Database

Posted by Jesper on Aug. 12, 2008, 4:11 p.m.

G3D 3D Effects Library


We are proud to announce that after a lot of hard work a website has been made in response to the ever expanding list of D3D effects at the GMC. Here at G3D, we provide hosting for all of these Game Maker made effects and more. G3D offers you the ability to rate and comment each other’s effects as well as your own dedicated page with commenting.

First and foremost you should start by registering to get the most out of G3D. You can do so by going to www.g3d.uni.cc and clicking on the “Registerâ€? button. When you've registered, we encourage you to ahead and post any 3D effects you've made with Game Maker to extend the database even further.

Once registered, you can also visit our forums to discuss suggestions for effects and the website, as well as discussing work in progress effects.

We will be trying our best to improve this site as time goes on.

We hope you enjoy your stay,

Jesper & Edge


PY 16 years, 6 months ago


mesenberg 16 years, 6 months ago

sweet site, I favorited it… maybe ill come up with some of my own effects sometime.

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

Fancy stuff there.

Juju 16 years, 6 months ago

Good stuff. This gets the Juju Seal of Approval =P

tijitdamijit 16 years, 6 months ago

Oh good. I'll have to put up some of the too laggy for actual gameplay visual effects from Facility B and stuff.

SixWinged 16 years, 6 months ago

There are some nice effects in there.

Jesper 16 years, 6 months ago

Thanks all, we've put a lot of effort into it :). By the way, if you want to make suggestion for effects: please register. That will allow you to rate and comments effects, post in the forums, have your own userpage, stuff like that :).

@ Tijitdamijt

Great! I really loved the effects that I saw in the trailer, so please do so :).

mesenberg 16 years, 6 months ago

the problem with detailed effects is that even though they dont lag in the tech demo, when you combine a large game with them they tend to cause significant lag. Its quite a balance.

Jesper 16 years, 6 months ago

That is indeed true for some effects, but not for all. When effects are created just to be nice effects, they can almost always at least be used in small rooms and stuff, and not in big levels because these effects most of the time are rather fps-expensive.

For effects that are created for in-game use, tho, everything is possible. My sparks effects for example (see website) uses only 9 line models per spark burst. Not really much when you think about it that a simple 4-sided pyramid shape already has 9.