Joewoof is back - with updates!

Posted by Joewoof on Feb. 19, 2007, 11:02 a.m.

First, it was GMG. Now, even Eo Community is down. WHAT THE HELL!? And in the middle of some hardcore theoretical game design discussion! ARGH!!! WHAT IS THE INTERNET COMING TO!?

I know, nice reappearance for me here at 64Digits. The reason I'm here is because I have nowhere else to go… nowhere as lovely, that is. GMC is n00b infested. GMS is a ghost town… well, almost.

And of course, I need a place to rant.

I thought I only have Darthlupi's ass to kick. Well, Pug Fugly now better prepare his ass too.

Ok, maybe not, those guys are cool. Their sites are also cool, but not when they're down. URGH.

No hard feelings, melee. :P

So, why was I gone? Well, I made a hell lot of promises about releasing Immunocide, which I didn't meet. I vowed to never return here until finishing Immunocide. Well, it's finally done! HUZZAH!

I know, stupid reason, but I don't deserve the love of 64Digits without making a tangible contribution. Yes, I savor the warmth of 64Digits. Literally.

Anyway, I didn't just finish Immunocide, but I'm also done with ANOTHER game! This "secret project" is going to blow your minds - and if you survive that, you're in for some intense experience! I'll just codename it "MBF" for now. Release date? Not sure. If we're nasty, you have to wait until April, to coincide with the "commercialware" release. You guys get the free version, of course. XD

And what else? Oh, I got into Eo. Fools, bow down to my superiority and bathe in my greatness! Yeah, I've been complaining for some time around here about how I want to get into Eo and avoid you kiddies - ah, just kidding. You guys are lovely. Better than those GMC wimps! Hah! Naw, they're okay. I'm just not too fond of busy streets, even on the net. I know - I used to raise chickens on the countryside - anything wrong with that!? Hm?

I know. Frustration makes me cranky.

Anything else? Oh man, I have so much to tell you guys. I hope I see familiar faces around here. Did you check out Cactus's masterpiece, Clean Asia? Whoa, great game. Not for thumb-fumblers though - it's excruciatingly hard, but also exceedingly cool. Jabberwock's The Wasteland got into Cage Match too. Neato.

So… Sapphire Blood Studio is still going strong. In the beginning, we were chained down by projects of past games. This limited our creativity and our overall potential in game development. Well, I decided to rip off those chains, chew those iron balls and release myself from all that burden.

I hereby CANCEL the following projects (with the approval of the rest of the team, of course):


VouSei Tactics

The Chained Sky

…and VouSei Advent will also be freed from VouSei Tactics. I'm going to dump the VouSei concept altogether and head off in a refreshing, new direction. Yes, VouSei Advent will be overhauled. The game engine, which is 100% complete, will be stripped bare of the artwork and story - and refitted with new upgrades. The story will be re-envisioned. The artistic direction will be simplified, since the style I was going for is over my head. Unachievable at my current rate of artwork production. I'm just too slow and need more experience.

And hey, I suspect that this new approach will actually make the game greatly more exciting and original! Not to mention that it will take less time! Win-win-win!

Of course, all that ripping is… just ew. Maybe I'll work on something else before getting to that. I have to start collecting droplets of ideas for the new approach anyway.

So, there's this new idea I have:

I look at a twilight dew and find a world within in. What kind of world will it be? How does it work? And how does it fit in with the rest of the universe?

At this point, I have no answers to that, save for a few vague (and some vivid) images. This exploration will be exciting - and I'm not even sure what kind of game will emerge from this. Perhaps experimental? Or another cool fusion hotness?

Long blog? I'm not done yet. My solo projects are side-stuff. The main course is what my team and I are going to work on. The next project is, like MBF, CLASSIFIED! NYAH HAHAHA! What it will be, however, is an insane fusion between edutainment, vertical-scrolling flying-shooter and space-sim. Interested yet? No? Aw, whatever.

I must be high on my own brain chemicals… or too much refreshing of Eo… ah! It's back online! Yay! *dances*

Well, adios! I'll be back. Mwahahahaha.

…man, I just destroyed my reputation there. Oh well.


blueBX 18 years ago

Don't forget about GMClans.

GMC is n00b infested
Couldn't agree with you more.

Cesque 18 years ago

Hehe, good to see you take refuge in here. :P

Clean Asia rocks, but also has some major flaws, gameplay-wise.

Couldn't agree with you more.

Seriously… is there anyone who wouldn't agree here?

Jabberwock 18 years ago

Holy wow, it's been a long time since I've seen the likes of you around here. Good to hear all your work is finally coming to fruition, though I wish you wouldn't be so mean about it. :(

Takagi 18 years ago

Tell me, can somebody please update the eo news post sometime (whenever it comes back up). I thought that Tadashi Blossom wasn't a member because of the lack of a news post, and when I look into the user list, you're there, and so is he! And for the love of all things soft and fluffy, upload some content to eo (whenever it gets back up)

melee-master 18 years ago

Welcome back man.


No hard feelings, melee. :P


firestormx 18 years ago

Welcome back.

64D is having server-moving-issues too, so we may go down for a few hours every-so-often, just like the rest of the sites, but oh well. ;)

Joewoof 18 years ago

There's a new Eo game just up today. Check it out.