Immunocide - Update 15 & More

Posted by Joewoof on Feb. 25, 2007, 11:18 a.m.

Immunocide - Update

Well, as I've said, Immunocide is technically complete and tested. So what am I waiting for?

Well, a few things…

First, I was finishing up a new Sapphire Blood Studio logo (yes, savor it within the new awesome banner) and presenting it to my local team. We all like it, and although it may seem a little weird, our team is anything but ordinary. I wanted to fuse together two polarities and give the impression of sophistication. Thus, we have a merge between a heart and mechanical parts which interact with each other. The 3 "gears" aren't there just to for it to look nice/cool/stupid, it's symbolic of how the team originally consisted of 3 members. Recently, it had officially grown to 4.

As for the equally strange (and hopefully cool) banner, I originally wanted to just place the team name and the logo there in a sea of black. Well… it really felt plain for a banner, so I decided to make an abstract background to spice it all up.

The motto there - "Binders of Chaos" - isn't our official motto yet, although it fits the team philsophy of "fusing seemingly incompatible elements".

I want to release Immunocide with the new logo, so this part had to be cleared first. Haven't put it into the actual game yet though… but it shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Why didn't I put it in yet? Read on.

Second, legal matters. Meh. All that stuff regarding copyrights, trademarks… it's driving me insane. However, considering that we are going to sell some of our games at a Thai anime convention in April, we have to learn about all that. It's boring, dull and becomes exponentially complex once you want to use a fictitious name to represent our collective (the team) as a pseudonym. Lots of stuff to study in detail, and I'm still not done yet.

Third, GM7. When I was about to register for GM6.1 (so that I can finally remove that annoying GM banner), Prof O posts a notice saying that I have to wait for GM7. About 2 weeks. Ok, no problem. I can definitely take advantage of Vista compatibility (for end-users), additional security, and maybe better performance and stability? So I wait for 2 weeks. Delayed. So I wait for 2 more weeks. Still not released yet. Ugh. I want to make all the tweaks and also put in the logo in one go.

MBF - Update 2

MBF is almost complete. You can play the entire game from start to finish, but without the opening and ending scenes. We're putting those in right now, along with many important gameplay tweaks and a few graphical enhancements.

This game will probably be released around the same time as Immunocide. I'm still not revealing any details though; that'll ruin the surprise. :)

Sapphire Blood Studio - The Team Grows!

Originally, Sapphire Blood Studio was a team of three. We've had a few contributors, but we've recently decided not to receive any more contributions (or wait to receive such contributions), since it raises some problems with coordinating teamwork. We told one of the artists that he had to fully join the team if he want to continue working with us. After some discussion, he agreed. John is a very talented artist who can draw just about everything imaginable - and unimaginable! :)

Sapphire Blood Studio Team:

Joewoof - Graphic Artist, Game Designer

ParadoxEquation - Programmer, Level Designer

APCLdx - Audio Artist, Supporting Designer

John - Line Artist

And that's all for today. Visit my blog at Eo Community sometimes too. It's usually more interesting. :)


Jabberwock 17 years, 12 months ago

Wow, that's an awesome psychadelic banner you've got there.

R 17 years, 1 month ago

Uh, Joewoof, are you dead?