VouSei Advent Update 2

Posted by Joewoof on May 10, 2006, 10:50 a.m.


  • Enhanced graphical effects for a couple of more weapons. "Prism" now leaves small glowing orbs behind and releases a number of them when its duration ends. "Vulture" has more effects to indicate two things: extra experience gaining & the moment when the activation delay ends.

  • Tweaked stats for a few weapons (what, for the 17th time?). "Chrome" is now precisely as effective as other weapons. "Prism" damage increased due to half-hit-effectiveness consideration. "Nova Cannon" is also a little less effective.

  • Slightly improved text display (made it clearer).

  • Improved messages displayed for the sake of increased grammatical clarity within the game's context.

  • Heat Guage: Added a subtle effect where the "Overheat" text indicator begins to fade-in when you are dangerously close to overheating. Previously, it is difficult to see when the Heat Guage is almost filled. This fixes that problem.


  • Plot outline finalized.

  • Tilesets finalized.

  • Levels breakdown planned.

  • Starting work on character portraits. I can't believe how rusty my skills have gotten. :(

  • Designed & drew a number of new monters for a new level-theme.

  • Brainstormed ideas for new "enemy bullets".

    Next Priorities

  • Mission & Weapon Parameters System: These allow you to compare your combination of weapons to optional missions (meaning not story missions). However, the highest values does not neccessarily correspond to the best outcomes, as your proficiencies (meaning how good you are at using them) with all weapons count.

  • Easy Mode: Makes the game easier, but locks access to half of all missions, including the final story mission. Still considering this.

  • Graphics: Character Portraits & Scene Backdrops.

  • Script: Rewriting the dialogue for Act One.
  • Comments

    JW 18 years, 9 months ago

    That sounds really awesome! Can't wait to play… :D

    All these names and other cool-sounding stuff almost make me drool. :P

    melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

    That does sound interesting.

    Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

    Wow, the support here is incredible! I was a bit worried if anyone will even care about the progress of this little thing, but that apparently isn't the case. =D

    Anyway, I'll write out a full description of the game engine sometime later. I'm worried about people stealing ideas though. It happens a great deal commercially, so I feel somewhat apprehensive. Does it happen around here a lot? I've heard incidents of it happening before - people taking engines (not the common tutorials), modifying them without any credit given, and calling it their own, original work. What about ideas? There sure are a number of recent games inspired by Seiklus, for example.

    Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I mean, hey, most people don't care enough about putting great effort in making flying shooters. :/