One - Update 3

Posted by Joewoof on May 27, 2006, 11:40 p.m.

After a rather shaky start, I've managed to pull through and completed the entire core of this card game's engine.

That's right - the engine at this point is actually playable, although it's going to be really boring (doh, if this much work is enough to make the game fun and interesting, there's no challenge at all). Not bad for 2-days worth of work, eh?


  • Completed "matching" system. Following "Uno", you have to match numbers or suits in "One". If they match, you can discard your chosen card in the hand. If there is no match at all, you have to draw another card from the deck. You win when your hand no longer has any card left. This works perfectly now - the nasty bug was fixed.

  • Completed hand cards "position adjustment" system. The cards in your hand will automatically reposition themselves when there is a gap from the card you discarded. They also reposition themselves when you draw a new card.

  • Completed "disable action during card movement" system. You can no longer draw multiple cards or discard multiple cards at the same time.

  • Fixed collision detection bug. All cards now automatically switch between two masks, depending on the situation.

  • Fixed "duplicate bug". You will no longer see a single repeat of a chosen card, even if that card is already discarded. In other words, the deck now behaves perfectly like the real thing.

  • Laid framework for the "Joker" card. The Joker card will function similarly to the "Wild" card in Uno.

    Next Priorities


  • "Combo" system.

  • "Skip" system (Ace cards).

  • "One!" system.

  • Turn switching system.

  • Opponent AI system. Includes all above systems with the opponent AI.

  • Ending sequence.


  • "Freeplay" mode.

  • "Tournament" modes. Several difficulty levels - Novice (3 games), Intermediate (5 games), Advanced (7 games), Expert (9 games), Legend (12 games), Ultimate (15 games). All modes are immediately available when you start.

  • "Help" strip.
  • Comments

    DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

    Sounds cool. Looking forwards to it.