[J@D] Fun with MSN & the trials of GM.

Posted by JoshDreamland on May 18, 2007, 10:08 a.m.

Yes, yet another blog by me… Getting bored yet?

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Either way, it's been a while, so deal with it. <_<

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>GM7Zip</td></table>

Yes, Arcalyth plans to add GM7Zip as a full feature in V3. Is that amazing or what? He just offered, and though I've turned down other nice things he's threatened to give me, I couldn't say no to this one.

Also, at the same time Arc will be rewriting it in PHP, biggoron will be writing it in C. He originally thought that this would make it smaller, and, indeed it would a little, but I like it for speed and compaction; the externals of GM7Zip are written in C. (Or at least the one we're keeping [;)])

Hopefully biggoron does something with the graphics… No one ever likes mine anyway. [:P]

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>GAME MAKER</td></table>

Still working on Luda's contest entry. Everything else has been chopped down in priority, even school. In fact, I should be at school now, but instead I'm writing this blog.

<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>MSN</td></table>

Yes, MSN. What did I do this time? Well, I call it a 'prank,' (or TG will yell at me); it was more just something I did to see what would happen. (I was a bit bored. This was a while ago, I have just not had time to write about it.)

Obel Isk—My personal favorite. All the rest sucked.

<div id="ObeConvo">

UltimateCODER hay can u hlp me with my mmo.

- &#950;ane - is this MMO your first game?

UltimateCODER ys

UltimateCODER i want it to be like wow

- &#950;ane - maybe you should start with something smaller

- &#950;ane - it takes a great amount of experience before you can make an MMO

UltimateCODER no i wana make a mmo

UltimateCODER but i wnt ppl to hlp

UltimateCODER so it cn workl

- &#950;ane - do you have enough skill to make one?

UltimateCODER ya

- &#950;ane - well

- &#950;ane - you don't want other people to make the game for you

UltimateCODER y/

UltimateCODER ill hlp

UltimateCODER cn you hlp with a code?

- &#950;ane - that DEPENDS.

UltimateCODER i want to make all the comptrs say the same helth

UltimateCODER can u show me in dnd?

- &#950;ane - there's no way in DnD

- &#950;ane - in fact

- &#950;ane - judging by your noobiness

- &#950;ane - I doubt there's a way to make it in CODE.

- &#950;ane - don't start with an MMO.

UltimateCODER but

UltimateCODER i r noob

- &#950;ane - start with something easier, like a platformer or a TDS

UltimateCODER and you

UltimateCODER Have

UltimateCODER Been

UltimateCODER Pranked!

UltimateCODER Hihi Obe!

UltimateCODER :D

- &#950;ane - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? >: (

UltimateCODER Josh @ Dreamland!

UltimateCODER XD


UltimateCODER You're so nice to noobs though,

UltimateCODER I actually feel sorry,

UltimateCODER doing that to you.

- &#950;ane - I would've flamed the SHIT outta you.

UltimateCODER XD!

- &#950;ane - I serioulsy wanted to burn you to death.

UltimateCODER I know

UltimateCODER I could tell

UltimateCODER Like about to burst.

UltimateCODER "- &#950;ane - says: judging by your noobiness - &#950;ane - says: I doubt there's a way to make it in CODE."


- &#950;ane - somewhere deep in my mind, I knew I was being punk'd.

UltimateCODER lawl

UltimateCODER Yes

UltimateCODER You make me feel n00by again!

UltimateCODER =3

- &#950;ane - lmao, again.


TwisterGhost. He didn’t like it at all >_>

<div id="TgConvo">

UltimateCODER hay can u hlp me with my mmo.

Michael Who is this?

UltimateCODER ultimateCoder

UltimateCODER from the gmc

Michael If you give me a reason to help, I will

UltimateCODER wll i wana have a gm gam like wow

UltimateCODER i dont think well need to many ppl

UltimateCODER will we.

Michael ……..

Michael "wll i wana have a gm gam like wow"

UltimateCODER ya

Michael "wll i wana have a gm gam like wow"

UltimateCODER itll be fun

Michael "wll i wana have a gm gam like wow"

Michael No.

UltimateCODER so/

UltimateCODER but

Michael That just doesn't work like that…

UltimateCODER i r noob

UltimateCODER And you,

UltimateCODER TG,

UltimateCODER Have

UltimateCODER been

UltimateCODER pranked!!!

Michael Ok.


Andes [Monkeys] Sometimes it just won’t work.

<div id="AndesConvo">

UltimateCODER Hay can u hlp me with my mmo.

[c=#4291F0]Andes[/c] What sort of help do you need?

UltimateCODER well

UltimateCODER can u maek a code to make the helth the same on all computres/

[c=#4291F0]Andes[/c] You're imitating a noob, aren't you =P

UltimateCODER You're evil.

UltimateCODER Okay?



Seprex…. I honestly don’t know what happened there. XD

I’m not even gonna post it. [:P]


<div id="HalConvo">

UltimateCODER hay can u hlp me with my mmo.

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> Who are you?

UltimateCODER im UltimateCODER

UltimateCODER from the gmc

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> oh, I rarely visit there anymore

UltimateCODER oh

UltimateCODER well

UltimateCODER i need a spriter or a engin coder

UltimateCODER can u do1/

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> Sorry, no

UltimateCODER wll,

UltimateCODER i also need sum1

UltimateCODER to do everything else

UltimateCODER While I do nothing.

UltimateCODER As I R noob.

UltimateCODER And you

UltimateCODER have

UltimateCODER just

UltimateCODER been

UltimateCODER pranked!

UltimateCODER XD!

UltimateCODER YES!

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> Yeah, that's what I figured. Noobs find disbelief in their existance very insulting, so I didn't say anything incase I was wrong :P

UltimateCODER Now guess who.

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> Acid?

UltimateCODER No, Josh @ DL. Thanks for the shits and giggles!

<aHalibutski> - <Everybody seems to think I'm lazy> ahaha

UltimateCODER XD


Graydon [FewCarrotTop]

<div id="FctConvo">

UltimateCODER can u hlp with my mmo/

Graydon Hey

Graydon Who is this

UltimateCODER UltimateCODER

UltimateCODER frm the gmc

Graydon Do you use D&D

Graydon Or GML

UltimateCODER ya

UltimateCODER dnd

Graydon Ummm, I dont know

Graydon What do you need help on

UltimateCODER i need to maek all the computrews say the same helth

Graydon Uhh

Graydon I might be able to help

UltimateCODER yay

Graydon But I havent used D&D for a while

Graydon I'm busy now though

Graydon Ask me tommaro

UltimateCODER k

Graydon I'm beta testing a game for someone

UltimateCODER wht is the one to make computwers asy the same thing.

UltimateCODER ok

UltimateCODER acshully

UltimateCODER wayt

UltimateCODER i r noob

UltimateCODER and connot do mmo

UltimateCODER and you

UltimateCODER have

UltimateCODER been

UltimateCODER pranked!

UltimateCODER XD!

Graydon XD


My sad attempt at JakeX. He’s just too damn observant. I even customized for him. <_<

<div id="JakeConvo">

UltimateCODER Jakex?

UltimateCODER I tried to boost my scoer on csx but it sayd

UltimateCODER burn in hell cheater!

UltimateCODER why/

UltimateCODER jake?

UltimateCODER jake anser me omg

JakeX Uh, Josh?



UltimateCODER You ruined my day.

JakeX Uh…?


Melee. Grr I thought I had him… He ruineded my “You>have>just>been>pranked!â€? Thing.

<div id="MeleeConvo">

UltimateCODER hay

UltimateCODER can u hlp me with my mmo.

Melee Not sure

UltimateCODER k well i need a code

UltimateCODER to maek the helth the same on all the compurews

UltimateCODER can u show me in dnd/

Melee Heh, sorry XD

UltimateCODER ?

UltimateCODER y not.

UltimateCODER plz?

Melee No

UltimateCODER but

UltimateCODER i cud use sum sprites too

Melee omfg

UltimateCODER ?

UltimateCODER plz hlp

UltimateCODER i r noob and cannot do mmo

Melee No

UltimateCODER and you

UltimateCODER have

UltimateCODER been

UltimateCODER pranked!!

UltimateCODER XD!!

UltimateCODER Hihi Melee

Melee Yeah I know

Melee I just kept saying no cause Im:

UltimateCODER Meh

Melee Busy and knew you were being an idiot XD


Rob. That was just unfair. <_<

<div id="RobConvo">

UltimateCODER Hay

UltimateCODER can u hlp me with my mmo.

Rob no u nud i r teh sux at gm

UltimateCODER aw me 2 i ned sum1 to do the dnd

Rob wut?

UltimateCODER the dnd

Rob zomg, wut?

UltimateCODER can u hlp with the dnd?

Rob maybe

Rob wut u ned hepl wuth?

UltimateCODER the dnd

Rob wut abut ti?

UltimateCODER ti/

UltimateCODER whats ti

Rob onoez, i cun log in tu hotmial cuz inteut iz tu slo so it redirexts

Rob ti=it in nub

UltimateCODER ohk

UltimateCODER i need it to make the helth the saem on all compuerts

Rob onoez my inturnut sux

UltimateCODER XD

Rob oka… *only knows mplay, and mplay i still suck at*

UltimateCODER You aren't buyiong any of this are you? T_T

Rob mplay_data_write(indicator,global.health);

Rob and no I wasnt


I'll add Baz' also.

UltimateCODER hay can u hlp me with my mmo.

Baziiboi MMo…

UltimateCODER mmorpg

Baziiboi i know.

UltimateCODER i need some ppl to do the system for me

Baziiboi You and mmo…wowo.

UltimateCODER and the sprites

UltimateCODER and everything else

Baziiboi Online engine?

UltimateCODER while i do nothing

UltimateCODER as i r noob

UltimateCODER and you

UltimateCODER have

UltimateCODER been

UltimateCODER pranked.

UltimateCODER XD

Baziiboi kay.

UltimateCODER It R I, Baz.

Baziiboi i know.


Baziiboi what did you think I thought?

<script type="text/javascript">

var obe=document.getElementById("ObeConvo").innerHTML;

var tg=document.getElementById("TgConvo").innerHTML;

var andes=document.getElementById("AndesConvo").innerHTML;

var hal=document.getElementById("HalConvo").innerHTML;

var fct=document.getElementById("FctConvo").innerHTML ;

var jake=document.getElementById("JakeConvo").innerHTML;

var melee=document.getElementById("MeleeConvo").innerHTML;

var rob=document.getElementById("RobConvo").innerHTML;

function allHide()


document.getElementById("ObeConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"ObeConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=obe; void 0;'>Show Obe's Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("TgConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"TgConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=tg; void 0;'>Show TG's Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("AndesConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"AndesConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=andes; void 0;'>Show Andes' Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("HalConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"HalConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=hal; void 0;'>Show Hal's Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("FctConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"FctConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=fct; void 0;'>Show FCT's Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("JakeConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"JakeConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=jake; void 0;'>Show Jake's… Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("MeleeConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"MeleeConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=melee; void 0;'>Show Melee's Convo</a>" ;

document.getElementById("RobConvo").innerHTML="<a href='javascript:allHide(); document.getElementById("+'"'+"RobConvo"+'"'+").innerHTML=rob; void 0;'>Show Rob's <strike>trick</strike>… Convo</a>" ;



<table class="ex" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="#B9DCFF"><td>Errors</td></table>

Ever get an annoying GM error? I've been through the trials of every GM error in the whole book, and then took it upon myself to write a sequel. (No, there is no real sequel <_< Don't even ask for it.)

For starters, variables initialized in execute_string() don't save corrently sometimes. I would load a bunch of string variables set in execute_string(), and all their values would mix up. Seriously. Ask IsmAvatar. I spent hours wondering why it wouldn't load all the variables I had saved one time. Then I took it to the GMC, and Ism had had the same problem once.

Secondly, surfaces…. Something about them. Just something. In my game I'm working on for Luda-contest, having one of the control objects in the room causes the other objects to skip anything resembling a create event. I have no idea why, other than maybe the screen_redraw in the event…. *whistle*

One more for today. I was helping Noodle with an inverter script, to draw an inverted colored version of the screen at an alpha. Drawing the surface into the other surface with bm_subtract made the surface invisible. That was all fun and cool and all, but it made me want to kill myself.

Now you know the pain. =D

Well, that's a hell of a lot of work and text for a blog. I don't care how short this looks, there be a lot of info there.

Oh, one more thing for hoggy.



s 17 years, 9 months ago

You add them…when ppl add me,I just set them not to be on my contact list

Jaxx 17 years, 9 months ago

Lol I wouldve prolly fell for it XD

JoshDreamland 17 years, 9 months ago




I'll remember that.

s 17 years, 9 months ago

I should start saying LongBlog

JoshDreamland 17 years, 9 months ago

If muh fucking JS would work here, this blog would be 1/3 of the size <_<

GMWIZ 17 years, 9 months ago

ha ha ha hahahahhahah

that was funny

GMWIZ 17 years, 9 months ago

in a boring


JoshDreamland 17 years, 9 months ago

'k. XD

s 17 years, 9 months ago

JShould work…unless you just can't code it right

Jaxx 17 years, 9 months ago

I suck at pranking T_T I amnt going to post what I tried to keep myself alive