MY.Jumbo speach,spelling and grammer problems

Posted by Jumbo on July 17, 2008, 7:43 p.m.

OK it was fun teasing my English was OK for good time but some of things you need to know.I got impairments like speech,spelling and grammar problems.

I took classes to fix the problem and i keep failing English class.BUT i can read very good.but speech,spelling and grammar i bad at and math.

OK i got impairments.that why my Blogs were all way look funny and that hard to fix.

PS i might be slow but i not stupid.

AND if you don't know slow and stupid are very difference things. WHAT your flaws.I AM OPEN.

ANS IF you got questions Blog ME

PS I was BORN with this i cant fix this problem all the way

PS again maybe is suck speech,spelling and grammar and outlier things but my game are good if you got problem talk me.


wiredbomb0 16 years, 7 months ago

Look i kinda know how that feels. A cousin of mine can't read well (he reads things backwards) and for its quite troublesome.

flashback 16 years, 7 months ago

Interesting that both you and DT-170x seem to suffer from the same problem.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

Your ability of speech doesn't matter. DF clutters, I mumble. Hands are not mouthes

Now, about reading/writing, you should control what you can. Reread what you write, proper capitalization makes stuff look much cleaner

I had the issue of not putting a space after . or , also. In the end, those little dots aren't big enough to hold their own. Spacing is another thing that you should be able to remedy with a little effort

Crutches. We are all capable, some of us are just more capable than others

DesertFox 16 years, 7 months ago

Cluttering (what serprex mentions) aka tachyphemia is basically a speech disorder in which the speaker speaks extremely rapidly, mashing together words and transposing some syllables or dropping them entirely, and a disorganized sentence structure with lots of pauses midsentence.

Basically, brain working too fast and for mouth to keep up, and sometimes forgetting what you were about to say.

Tachyphemia is also linked to bad handwriting.

SixWinged 16 years, 7 months ago

I'm pretty confident that if you put some proof reading into your blogs they would come out a lot more readable, being bad at English is one thing but no matter how bad you are it's still controllable to a degree. I'm by no means great at English by I use spelling checkers and, if it's something important, I paste it into Word and let it run a grammar check.

PY 16 years, 7 months ago

o, b&

Golden Wolf 16 years, 7 months ago

heh heh, 'blog me'

SixWinged 16 years, 7 months ago

Ouch, banned already? That was fast.