Well not yet… but i will be next week =0
My best friends dad works for the newspaper and apparently whenever thye decided to do an article on runescape my name came up and I got interviewed, they couldnt interview my friend cause his dad works for the paper and it breaks some rule I guess =/Im gonna delete any "runescape sucks: comments in this blog, I really dont care who hates runescape =pAnyways yesterday was my last day of school until 07, and it was only 3 hours long o.0 luckily the 2 finals I had that day were easy, got a 95 on my speech one even though I hate speech o.0Now I have plenty of time to work on my tz-christmas update =) Ive been working on graphics for the new rpg, I drew my first building ever and I think it turned out pretty nice =)"I'm wearing pull ups!" - kamira 5 minutes ago =0Anyways I think I might finally learn those fancy online dlls =p so that I can upgrade TIM for them, I was gonna learn them before when I was asking if TIM could use the reflect system, but when it wasnt allowed to I never got around to it. Im also thinking of a multiplayer mode in Solar Security, ive never done multiplayer games before, just TIM, so I will probably have to learn a couple more things =/My last 2 blogs have had way too few comments, whats wrong with you people! as punishment the cheese has a blue outline and is clickable.
That's a red outline, fewl.
Clickable cheese? Are you out of your mind?
Meh, I'm always in the newspaper. It gets boring.
runescape sucks
Of all the things to get interview for… Runescape? Damn.
rurnescape sucks
k, i'm done mini-spamming
What do you have against runescape MrPacman, although I dont play it anymore.
Well its customary to say runescape sucks every time someoen mentions it if you quit, or thats what some people seem to think =p