Im in the newspaper!

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 20, 2006, 7:57 p.m.

Well not yet… but i will be next week =0

My best friends dad works for the newspaper and apparently whenever thye decided to do an article on runescape my name came up and I got interviewed, they couldnt interview my friend cause his dad works for the paper and it breaks some rule I guess =/

Im gonna delete any "runescape sucks: comments in this blog, I really dont care who hates runescape =p

Anyways yesterday was my last day of school until 07, and it was only 3 hours long o.0 luckily the 2 finals I had that day were easy, got a 95 on my speech one even though I hate speech o.0

Now I have plenty of time to work on my tz-christmas update =) Ive been working on graphics for the new rpg, I drew my first building ever and I think it turned out pretty nice =)

"I'm wearing pull ups!" - kamira 5 minutes ago =0

Anyways I think I might finally learn those fancy online dlls =p so that I can upgrade TIM for them, I was gonna learn them before when I was asking if TIM could use the reflect system, but when it wasnt allowed to I never got around to it. Im also thinking of a multiplayer mode in Solar Security, ive never done multiplayer games before, just TIM, so I will probably have to learn a couple more things =/

My last 2 blogs have had way too few comments, whats wrong with you people! as punishment the cheese has a blue outline and is clickable.

note: enlarged to show texture, colors may change between products, please see your doctor if you have any strange side effects (its not our fault!), have a nice day


Rob 18 years, 2 months ago


OL 18 years, 2 months ago

You're actually in the newspaper? Like wearing it as a little hat or something?