….leaving for school tomorrow for another boring day of classes. =p
Haha I gots me a snow day yesterday =D and maybe one tomorrow (not sure how likely)Anyway39dll: If someone knows how to use 39dll pretty good I could really use some advice cause i recoded all of TIM to work with it but for some reason I cant connect. I am pretty sure my code is ok but I cant be certain.If you feel generous my msn is -removed- and my aim is -removed- =0Other news: I finally convinced my dad to let me mess wiht my routers settings and I can now host halo games online =p Sure it doesnt really affect you guys… but im still blogging about it!The comment system I programmed in php a couple days ago has spread from ordered chaos to all over my site =D and ive been updating random parts of my site lately.Games:I made a nice looking water background effect for Just Wing It… haha[dumb images]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9428/tetsuoov6.gifhttp://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/0468.jpghttp://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/manguard.jpghttp://i11.tinypic.com/2w750cp.gif
-0NL1N3- is great with the 39DLL, I'm sure the example he made could help you out.
<a href="http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=263183&st=0">Link</a>actually im pretty sure thats the example my connection code is based on.
"Different from", not "Different to". :P But yeah, that was funny.
Uh, yay. It snowed today.I want snow. Texas is getting more snow than New England, and that is depressing.
You have Halo Combat evolved, send me a PM about it. I have it too.
Ok, I'll say this againa and again, I haven't seen snow.
Errr, nvm.=PI've seen snow, but not today.
I haven't seen snow in my short life >_>
new blog title =0
We have gotten 1 inch of snow, and I live in NY.