….leaving for school tomorrow for another boring day of classes. =p
Haha I gots me a snow day yesterday =D and maybe one tomorrow (not sure how likely)Anyway39dll: If someone knows how to use 39dll pretty good I could really use some advice cause i recoded all of TIM to work with it but for some reason I cant connect. I am pretty sure my code is ok but I cant be certain.If you feel generous my msn is -removed- and my aim is -removed- =0Other news: I finally convinced my dad to let me mess wiht my routers settings and I can now host halo games online =p Sure it doesnt really affect you guys… but im still blogging about it!The comment system I programmed in php a couple days ago has spread from ordered chaos to all over my site =D and ive been updating random parts of my site lately.Games:I made a nice looking water background effect for Just Wing It… haha[dumb images]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9428/tetsuoov6.gifhttp://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/0468.jpghttp://newmedia.funnyjunk.com/pictures/manguard.jpghttp://i11.tinypic.com/2w750cp.gif
I love snow, it canceled school tomorrow. <3
I have never seen snow in my life.
What's this "snow" you speak of?
Your title scared me half to death! :0
o.0 lol