Alright so I am gonna finish Game Plague V3 up tomorrow. I need a list of genres so I can put in categories for games.
Heres the current list, please tell me any you see missing.AbstractAdventureArcadeFPSMazeMMORPGMusicPlatformerPuzzleRhythmRPGRTSSimShmupShooterSportsStrategyTurn BasedOtherRight now Game Plague has rating, commenting, private messages, and a forum. So all I need to finish is blogs, preferences, and submitting. Preferences is easy enough and blogs is just a matter of figuring out the layout. I've done submitting before too so it should be piece of cheese cake.I think Game Plague has the potential to become a pretty good gm site. It's got better features than gmg does =pAlso for the 0 people who remember about PycoSites I'm gonna be finishing that up within 2 months I hope. I finally got it so you can register on the Pyco site (for a PycoID) so I'm getting closer =] It will start out with webpages, blogs, and forums. Wiki will have to come later =/
Maybe add "tactics" or "turn based strategy".
I think "shooter" should be divided into "shmup" (ie: vertical scrollers) and games like Duke Nukem.Rhythm games like DDR and Guitar Hero is also a growing genre.Ok, I have a problem with your classification - RTS is a form of Strategy and you can have a turn-based action game (Worms anyone?). I think you should classify the core genre and then add descriptors for the game mechanics. For example, Worms would be action/turn-based/platform.
Like Juju said, or you could add two or three drop-down lists for more than one genre.
"Turn based" + "Strategy""Puzzle" + "Shooter""Online" + "Platformer"And so on.But that would require a much more complicated system to do =/
Do it. Do it now.
I was thinking maybe allowing people to select 2 genres though.
We keep commenting at the same time <_<