Game Plague

Posted by KaBob799 on Nov. 23, 2008, 4:04 p.m.

Well it's time again for me to discuss Game Plague.

Basically, some major work is coming up in the next few days. First of all, I am going to be adding in a file manager very similar to the one here, only with folders and maybe some more file types.

Then I'm going to be redesigning the game display pages to finally show screenshots and have a "made with:" and compatable with:" section as well as a review section which is going to be like a mix of reviews here and reviews at yyg. Basically, not just anybody can review but a lot of people will be able to.

I am also going to add an examples section which will take a wide variety of exampels and tutorials for all sorts of languages.

Other than that, with regard to possible 64digits related stuff, I'm making some inqueries about a possible solution. Just have to wait for Canadonian to get on.

I also started a chatbot called Pantheon, which is going to be available for Pyco hosted stuff. Right now it only runs in chatboxes but eventually it will be able to run in other designated areas. The thing about Pantheon is that all of it's responses are user created, and all members are allowed to add responses. Right now it's only got 50 or so responses but it should grow very quickly once people start using it.


Nighthawk 16 years, 3 months ago

Cool, hopefully GP gets a little more active after this.

Kamira 16 years, 3 months ago

Maybe have it so you can give someone a "rating reliability" thing, that could make their rating count more or less. This would go down if they rated a game a 1 that 100 other people rated a 10 (or something to that extent, and if not, maybe manual lowering and raising?) and it goes up a tiny bit per rating.

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago

Game Plague doesn't seem like the best name.

KaBob799 16 years, 3 months ago

It's better than yoyogames =p

eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

I'm not keen on the layout. It's a bit… boring.

KaBob799 16 years, 3 months ago

Perhaps this layout is better?

eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

No, because that's just a rip off. :p

The one you have now is just not very visually inspiring, and it's a bit dull and slightly cramped.

Those red header things are also very chunky.

There's also no banner. People won't really remember your site very well if it just has "Game Plague" in small letters at the top, unless it stands out in some way.

And finally, red is not the only colour. Plague suggests some sort of virus to me, and that brings green to mind.

ludamad 16 years, 3 months ago


KaBob799 16 years, 3 months ago

There's also no banner. People won't really remember your site very well if it just has "Game Plague" in small letters at the top, unless it stands out in some way.
What? What do you mean by banner if my huge logo thing doesn't count?

And finally, red is not the only colour. Plague suggests some sort of virus to me, and that brings green to mind.
Yeah I know, my original concept was white and green but for some reason I ended up with black and red. I plan on having multiple skins though, so I'll probably work it in somewhere.

eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

What huge logo?