Today I finally purchased a NES. I've only played an actual NES a few times before and this one came with a bunch of games I have never played =] I also already had Air Wolf which I got for $1 on ebay a few weeks ago. I now personally own all Nintendo consoles except N64, which my family has.
The Break:Today is officially my 1st day of Christmas Break!! I don't have school again until January 20th ^_^The Yesterday:Yesterday was my history final, which was at 8am. I ended up staying up that night because I was gonna have to wake up at 5am in order to leave by 6:15. But then traffic was excellent so I got there before 7, and the food places were closed so I starved to death <_< After the test, which took me 40 minutes and consisted of an essay, 5 short answer, 10 multiple choice, and 11 fill the blank, I drove home and slept till my dentist appointment at 3:40 or whatever time it was. Then I went there and they gave me a numbing shot cause I was getting a small filling. Only, this was my first time getting a numbing shot and apparently the adrenaline in the shot caused me to nearly faint and I had to breath oxygen for a few minutes <_< I had also ended up making part of my tongue fall asleep for 10 minutes from the non-shot numbing stuff =p Then I went back home and the end.The Today:So yeah, I got a NES from one of Kamiras friends today. Other than that, I slept in till 11ish and ate pizza/sunkist for dinner ^_^The Video Games Purchases Since De Last Time:Total Cost: $70Items:NES w/ cords2 NES controllersLegend of Zelda (shiny gold case ftw)MetroidSuper Mario Bros w/ Duck Hunt (3 of them o.0)Q*BertAthenaLegacy of the WizardGradiusGauntletLegendary WingsRygarMuppet AdventureStar VoyagerZanacGhosts 'N GoblinsArkanoidDragon WarriorDonkey Kong JR.Section ZXeviousJoustIkari WarriorsThe Non Working: These have resisted my attempts to clean them so farSuper Mario BrosGyromiteOne of the games in the working list should go here instead, not sure which.I may or may not get a gun controller and a few more games if he finds them.GAME PLAGUE!
Good luck with Ghosts 'N Goblins. =D
IMA GO KILL YOU FOR ITI miss our old NES…fucking mice. Now I just use VirtuaNES on my laptop.
I'm-a let rawr kill you, and take it while he's not looking!I never owned a NES :(
Envious.Dang I missed out on a good pun.