Semester Complete

Posted by KaBob799 on May 15, 2010, 11:20 p.m.

Well it's time for summer break. Unlike last year, I'll only be taking 1 summer class (maybe) so I'm going to have a lot more free time. Hopefully this will mean a lot more website progress.

I managed to get a B in each of my 4 classes. My grade doesn't really matter though because they will be transfer credits which don't effect my gpa at my normal college. I'm basically done with my core classes now, I just have Geology 2 and German 1+2 left as far as I know. Then it's just a ton of website related classes.

For those of you interested in 64d, I have done a tiny bit of work on the extremely neglected forums. Now it properly keeps track of and displays the last post info. I don't know if I'll do any more work on it anytime soon, but it's possible.

Progress on my various projects has been basically non existant since my last blog, I was really busy finishing up all my final stuff for class. Hopefully now I can make some real progress on that new game.

Speaking of which, my game would have been perfect for the new YYG competition if it weren't limited to psp compatibility. It made for an "interesting" contest the first time, but 2 times in a row is just stupid. They are just using the contests as a cheap way to advertise gm on the psp.


Darthvender 14 years, 9 months ago

I kinda agree on the PSP thing… it's getting a bit tired already. It'd be great if they came out with the PSP runner, but I don't think it's necessary to make the competition entries restricted to it.

Mush 14 years, 9 months ago

Thank you.

Scott_AW 14 years, 9 months ago

Is it still restricted to just 1 action button?

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

Seriously I hate how they say it's for PSP, but the competition says only one button (not counting the directional buttons) seriously? One button?! Stupid…

KaBob799 14 years, 9 months ago

It's something like 3 buttons this time, not too sure. I can't use my game because of the no dll rule and screen size limit.

Juju 14 years, 9 months ago

Z, X, C, space and P for pause.

Nighthawk 14 years, 9 months ago

I'm not taking any summer courses, though I was considering retaking Calculus II if I dropped it. But I'm not dropping it, so I won't be retaking it. :P

I've been behind on my game/site projects as well. College ruins everything. D:

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

ok that is much much much better