Progress has slowed down on GameGame for the last couple days. I added a refresh button to the server list and made the arrow buttons look pretty.
But I also made some changes to the physics engine. Now there will an option to decide how bouncy the walls are. Basically, whenever you hit a wall it will subtract a certain amount of speed based on the bouncyness. Another change I made makes it so if you go under a set speed the walls are no longer bouncy. What this means is that there could be realistic gravity and instead of bouncing constantly against the wall your character would bounce less and less until it stopped completely.
Obviously normal gameplay won't have gravity since this is a top down game, but Alx gave me a great idea for 2 new game modes. The first one would be where each player controls the gravity affecting their character, rather than the characters movement. Kind of like one of these:

Which is what gave me the idea for the game mode. The second game mode would involve a single player controlling the gravity for everyone and having everyone else try to fight against the gravity.
64digitsSo I finally re-added the featured games thing and it's a lot nicer now. I'm going to go over the details of this so everyone understand how it works.
First of all, the featured game will only appear to logged in users. This is because it uses the mysql db to keep track of whether or not it's hidden and showing it all the time would get in the way of the activity feed. The chosen game will change every 7 days, if you have hidden the game it will unhide when it changes. The game itself can either be randomly chosen out of all games/wips with 5+ votes and 8+ rating, or be chosen by a staff member ahead of time.
The point of this feature is to highlight all the good games that we have recieved over the years. Some of them haven't aged well, but they were still the good games of their time.
Next up is an idea I have for "reviews." Basically, you will be able to indicate that a comment on a game is a review. Reviews would need to be at the very least a few sentences long and the rating given will be shown publically. Longer reviews are preferred, as they will need to be actual reviews and not just "This thing was good, this thing was bad." Basically you need to prove that you played the game and can properly review it. If you post a review that does not qualify then a staff member will change it to a normal comment. Repeated abuse of the review system would result in a warn level high enough to disable reviewing for an extended period of time. Of course, reviewing would be encouraged with a badge. Both an automated one for number of reviews and one awarded by staff to those who consistently write good reviews.
If you guys like this review idea, I will add it soon.
Who measures cheese in gallons??
I think you're the first person to ask that despite it being up for a whole year lol.
You are amazing Kabob. <3
<3 kabob, I love the review system sounds awesome :D