Web games and 21

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 19, 2011, 5:51 p.m.

My birthday is this tuesday, I'll be 21 =o It's not really a big deal to me, but a lot of people are obsessed with turning 21 =p

Web Game

So recently I've been thinking about making a web game of sorts, though I've attempted it twice in the past. I'm wanting a web game cause it should bring in some decent advertisement profit, plus if its good then I get to have fun playing my own game =p

My first web game was inspired by ogame and it actually got pretty far in terms of code, in terms of gameplay it doesn't have anything =p See: http://gameplague.com/sites/2245 But it has been acquiring useless resources for years.

My second idea was inspired by wind waker and the 64d rpg. It was going to be a world made up of islands that you would explore to find items and enter random encounters, it didn't even get as far as 2245: http://gameplague.com/sites/islands/?m=1 Just a basic tech demo for the mapping layout lol.

And then just last week I randomly started work on a pokemon web game, but since it's a fan game i'm not really motivated to finish it.

So now I've decided that I will make a web game, but it's going to be inspired by all 3 of the above ideas. You will start out as settlers on a random earth like planet, using a top down view kinda like islands for the map. Once you manage to build a spaceport, you gain access to your entire solar system which adds the 2245 inspiration. Finally, the spaceship combat will be inspired by pokemon which will hopefully be what sets this game apart from crap like ogame where you just amass a ridiculously huge set of ships and send them into combat where they blow up.

Other Stuff

In other news, I'm just a few days away from being able to buy gm8 with the advertisement money from Game Fortress Forums. But I'll wait until after my birthday because it's my wishlist of presents =p Though the chances of my parents getting me it are probably like 1/1000 lol.

Yesterday I had to take the first test for my ridiculously easy basic internet class, the test was mostly about what an emoticon is and how to use windows. Only maybe 15% of the questions weren't ridiculously easy.

In minecraft news, I'll be doing a rather large update to cheesemod next week after tuesdays minecraft update. Speaking of the update, notch accidently leaked that it will add beds which presumably have some special function.


Zarniwooop 14 years ago

Happy birthday (in advance)!

Ferret 14 years ago

Well now you won't have to sneak the alcohol :D

The web development sounds cool btw

colseed 14 years ago

You will start out as settlers on a random earth like planet, using a top down view kinda like islands for the map.
Why was my first thought "Minecraft"? O_o

Sounds like it could be fun though.

…and now it made me think of Spore…dangit

KaBob799 14 years ago

Well this is just a web game so don't get your hopes up for anything like spore or minecraft =p

Carlos508 14 years ago

how are you coding your web game? Flash or Java? Just asking because I just found out about JQuery -_- which would have made life so much easier…

Alert Games 14 years ago

Web games do exist, usually in php or equilivent form. jQuery would make the stuff much more enjoyable.

However, my only objection would be what would be the advantage if the majority of platforms work on everything now, even cell phones? But otherwise it would be interesting and fun to make, I agree.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Ajax (using javascript+php). The main advantage is that it will be easy to merge with my pyco systems.