CheeseMod, Pyco and Humble Indie Bundle

Posted by KaBob799 on April 24, 2011, 7:46 p.m.

If you didn't hear, there is yet another humble indie bundle where poor people can pay as little as 1 cent for quality games =p Theres less than 2 days until the current deal ends, so don't miss out =p

So, I finished my cheesemod in depth blog recently and have even added a couple new features to it. I've decided to set up a site for CheeseMod at Right now it's just a copy of the blog, but I plan on making it a little more in depth and organized, as well as having a "latest changes" section. So if you play on the 64d server regularly, it might make sense to bookmark that site =p

As for Pyco, I have hosting for my sites paid until the end of september. For years now I've been hoping to update to a more powerful server, so this will be my next chance. I recently found out that my host (bluehost) is now offering a "pro" hosting thing that would cost $20 a month and give me a more powerful server to work with. It's not a real solution, but $20 a month is a lot more manageable than the $100+ a month that a dedicated server would require. So if possible I might be upgrading to pro then as a stepping point while moving towards a dedicated server.

But obviously I need money to do that, so I'm going to finally focus on increasing my ad profits like I've always said I would =p If I could reach $1 a day before september I would be more than fine and I think that's a reasonable goal based on my current 10-25 cents a day =D


Alert Games 13 years, 10 months ago

You should change noobs to white color.

And this humble thing looks interesting, but I need an abundance of money before i waste it on more games :P

colseed 13 years, 10 months ago

Interesting fact: changing position before a /home teleport completes results in death by void

CheeseMod site is nice though. :D