New Laptop Issues and New Games

Posted by KaBob799 on July 7, 2011, 10:21 p.m.

Well my new laptop came in and its perfect… except for one major flaw. HP decided to change the switchable graphics driver in the most recent set of laptops and ended up breaking opengl support among other things. So if I play an opengl game, it uses the crappy graphics card. It's a widespread problem, so they are sure to fix it, but until then my laptop can't really do minecraft at the quality im used to. Luckily it does work for most directx games and usually runescape.

So Steam is doing a whole bunch of crazy sales this week, I ended up getting a free game from their prize thingy and I bought command and conquer 4 for $4. C&C4 doesn't really sound like its worth $20, plus its not going to get an expansion or go to consoles so I decided to just go ahead and buy it using the last bit of cash I had lying around =p Most of the other games, including red alert 3, are available on 360 and if I'm going to play them I'd want to raise my gamerscore at the same time.

I also went to a half price books and got a bunch of cheap games, including civilization 2, tetris NES (with box =o) and a fat ps2 to go with my slim one. If you include my soon to be shipped 360, I have 25 different game systems now =]

In minecraft news, the 64d ftp password apparently changed today so I can't update cheesemod =[


BP Scraps 13 years, 8 months ago

Quote: KaBob799
HP decided to change the switchable graphics driver in the most recent set of laptops and ended up breaking opengl support among other things.



JuurianChi 13 years, 8 months ago

Because they're lazy and cheap.

blackhole 13 years, 8 months ago

Because OpenGL fucked up big time and so directX took over. I still haven't gotten around to supporting OpenGL because its a mess. This is really frustrating to me because I want cross-platform comparability, but trying to figure out the insanity of OpenGL optimization is just a ridiculously high cost for that.

Rob 13 years, 8 months ago

Most of the other games, including red alert 3, are available on 360 and if I'm going to play them I'd want to raise my gamerscore at the same time.

What the hell's wrong with you? You'd play a RTS on a console, just for gamerscore? That's low, man…

Kamira 13 years, 8 months ago

^ Haha, a fanboy.

Edit: I don't really play RTS's, so, =/

Rob 13 years, 8 months ago

Yeah. Because StarCraft 64 had such great controls. So much better than the PC version.

RTS is just a bad idea on consoles.

If it were another genre, it'd be fine. But RTS? No. Just no.

PS: I own a 360 and a PS3, and most of the games coming out soon that I'm looking forward to are coming out on console.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Been a Wii owner for several years now and I haven't played it much, so recently I bought a 360 and am utterly clueless about what games are good. I've got Halo: Reach at the moment, and the multiplayer's fun, but I didn't buy the 360 for Halo.

I did get it because it was a good deal (a friend was selling it brand new for around $100 because she got it for free with her laptop purchase). So feel free to recommend some games. Note: I loathe the FPS genre, but Halo's online was fun enough to make me overlook it. Oh, and TF2 of course.

Kamira 13 years, 8 months ago

If you liked TF2, I've heard the PC version is much better since they never made DLC for the 360 version. You need to try the Mass Effect series. And try to stay away from CoD, especially since you loathe FPS's.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

I own TF2 on PC, and would never get it for a console because headshotting is much harder, heheh. Just today in Reach I decided to stop trying to headshot people because about ten bodyshots with a sniper rifle will probably do it anyway, and everyone's heads are too damn small.

And yeah, I was specifically avoiding having Call of Duty recommended. If a shooter's got a good story or an interesting perk, I might give it a go. But for the most part, there are so damn many. Probably the only one I'd consider is Uncharted 3 because it looks cool.

Hmm…I wonder if there are any bullet hell shmups for 360. *cough*

Heard of some available for download, but downloads never sound as good as something you have in your hands.

Kamira 13 years, 8 months ago

Also, check out Bioshock 1 & 2.