New Laptop Issues and New Games

Posted by KaBob799 on July 7, 2011, 10:21 p.m.

Well my new laptop came in and its perfect… except for one major flaw. HP decided to change the switchable graphics driver in the most recent set of laptops and ended up breaking opengl support among other things. So if I play an opengl game, it uses the crappy graphics card. It's a widespread problem, so they are sure to fix it, but until then my laptop can't really do minecraft at the quality im used to. Luckily it does work for most directx games and usually runescape.

So Steam is doing a whole bunch of crazy sales this week, I ended up getting a free game from their prize thingy and I bought command and conquer 4 for $4. C&C4 doesn't really sound like its worth $20, plus its not going to get an expansion or go to consoles so I decided to just go ahead and buy it using the last bit of cash I had lying around =p Most of the other games, including red alert 3, are available on 360 and if I'm going to play them I'd want to raise my gamerscore at the same time.

I also went to a half price books and got a bunch of cheap games, including civilization 2, tetris NES (with box =o) and a fat ps2 to go with my slim one. If you include my soon to be shipped 360, I have 25 different game systems now =]

In minecraft news, the 64d ftp password apparently changed today so I can't update cheesemod =[


JuurianChi 13 years, 8 months ago

If we're suggesting games now, Fallout:New Vegas is cool.

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

A semi-complete list of 360 games I own, all of these are either really cheap or pretty good:

[Prototype], Alone in the Dark, Assassins Creed, Beautiful Katamari, Bioshock 2, Civilization Revolution, Dark Sector, Dead Rising, Fallout 3, Forza Motorsport 2, Fracture, Kameo: Elements of Power, Left 4 Dead, Lost Planet, Mass Effect, Perfect Dark Zero, Prey, Project Gotham Racing 3, RainbowSix Vegas, Rockstar Table Tennis, Sega Superstars Tennis / XBOX Live Arcade Compilation, Shadowrun, Sneak King, Sonic Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, TimeShift, Two Worlds.

Rob 13 years, 8 months ago

If you like Grand Theft Auto, you could try Saint's Row 1/2. They're pretty good games if you don't mind crazy/senseless fun. They're not serious AT ALL like GTA IV. But hey, driving a pimped combine harvester with NOS through the streets or committing health insurance fraud by causing massive amounts of bodily harm to yourself for a mission are always good things to do.

HeroofTime55 13 years, 8 months ago

I sent you a PM, can I please get help on that issue I sent to you about? :/

firestormx 13 years, 7 months ago

What the hell's wrong with you? You'd play a RTS on a console, just for gamerscore? That's low, man…
My thoughts exactly.

HOWEVER, Civilization 2 was the first game I ever purchased for the PS1, and I loved it (I must have been like 10 at the time).

Blackhole: That was an awesome read, thanks for posting it. XD

JID 13 years, 7 months ago

If you want a good, lengthy singleplayer experience with a story that makes no fucking sense, I'd recommend playing Alan Wake. =D

It's actually worth playing and has a lot of replay value.