CheeseMod 1.8.1_1, Youtube, Etc

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 22, 2011, 12:10 a.m.

As many of you probably saw in another blogs comments, I made a youtube video on the environmental impact of Endermen.

Anyway, I just now released CheeseMod 1.8.1_1, the 1.7 version still worked almost perfectly on 1.8 but this update adds a couple nice things as well as the ability to spawn the new mobs =] It can be downloaded from


Important: Added a fireSpread option to worlds. 0 will function just like default minecraft, 1 will prevent fire from destroying blocks (excluding leaves vines and tall grass) 2 will prevent fire from destroying any blocks and 3 will also prevent fire from spreading at all. If you already have a property file you will need to set this variable or it will default to 0.

Added world option for whether or not lightning fires should spread.

Added jukeboxes, vines, the new stairs, glass panes and fence gates to structure alchemies ignore list

Added /chat which allows you to set who can see your chat: default (public unless the world you are in specifies otherwise), public, category (any world which shares the same inventory) and world (the world you are in, counts the nether as the same world) People in the watch group can always see public chat, even if the world they are in does not allow it. This does not affect /talk so you can always public chat. Can be shortened to /c and also you can do /c w [text] to do world chat and /c c [text] to do category chat. Currently worlds cannot specify chat settings.

Added iceBreakWater option to worlds, if off breaking ice wont create water. But melting it still will.

Added coldMelt option to worlds, if off cold blocks (ice/snow) will not melt.

Added weather option to worlds, normal will let weather work normally. ‘Never’ will make it always stay sunny, while ‘always’ will make it constantly rain/snow. You may need to start/stop the weather yourself when you switch to always/never.

Added an entryMessage option to world properties. It is like a MOTD that shows when you /realm to a world, does not show when you log in.

Added alchemyWorld property to worlds. Though not recommended for normal use due to extreme lag during chunk generation, this option will cause a world to do the equivalent of a structure alchemy on every new chunk it generates to whatever id you specify. Due to how worlds generate, it is not always possible to fully alchemize trees

Added an optional 2nd argument to /warp so that you can do /warp [warp name] [world]. Basically combining /realm with /warp.

Updated warp signs so that they completely match the /warp command. Argument one goes on line 3, optional argument 2 on line 4.

Added creeperDoom property to worlds, if above 0 creepers will automatically explode after the specified number of game ticks (20 = one second)

Made it so you can /tp to someone in another world if it is in the same itemset and allows teleporting.

/heal will now fill your hunger bar.

Added /check stat xp

Chrefresh should now reload world properties

Added support for new mobs in various settings and commands

Fixed /jump x y z to deal with ridiculously large numbers better.

Enderman wont attack you if you are wearing an obsidian/bedrock helm.

Added a timeFreeze property to worlds. If blank, time will function normally. Otherwise it will be frozen at the specified time. You can use day, night, midnight or a number.

Added coal ore to the ignore list for medium grief logging.

Added ability to set names for itemSets. Done by putting itemSet#=Category name in

/mobs itemvanish will remove experience orbs

Added tpGroup world property, which can be used to let certain groups use /tp (and /tphere for admins) when tp is disabled for a world.

When switching realms it will now also remember your health, experience and hunger in addition to your location.

Added new mob drop change, silverfish have a 20% chance of dropping a sand block.

Removed human monsters due to errors, they will return as soon as possible.


Praying Mantis 13 years, 5 months ago

Can you make /mobs itemvanish available in survival? I tried it but access to the command /mobs in survival is disabled.

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I plan on doing that. Also, 1.9 pre-release today and (probably) release next week =D

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago
KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Holy crap flying golden flame monsters D=

edit: oh great theres mob spawners for them in the nether D=

Astryl 13 years, 5 months ago

1.9 already? Guess they're speeding up a bit.

Alert Games 13 years, 5 months ago

Keep the server on 1.8.1 for now plox?

Also, how much can world edit copy from the world? Because I have a feeling that my ravine area will be lost :( Not a huge deal, but I guess we will see in time.

I always like building new towns so its all fun in the end.

Castypher 13 years, 5 months ago

I forget how I was running 1.8PR1 and was able to connect to the 64D server before it was updated. Because right now I'm running 1.9PR1 and can't connect. <_<

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

It looks like bukkit should get a beta build out within a few hours unless something goes wrong.