Advertising advice, blog plans, rpg

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 29, 2011, 11:10 a.m.

Website Advertising

I don't know if anybody here uses google ads, but I thought I would write up my opinions on google ads and the ads I use on my site.

Theres 3 major issues with google ads, the first is that you have to give them a ridiculous amount of info including your address, phone number and tax information. Then you can only withdraw your money if you have over $100 saved up, which could take most tiy sites years if not decades to reach due to reason 3. Reason 3 is that unless you have people who regularly click ads visiting your site, which is uncommon especially since lots of people block google ads, then you'll basically never get any money at all. Plus theres a lot of ways to accidently break the rules and lose your google ad account forever.

So I quit using google ads a long time ago and have switched to Project Wonderful. Project wonderful ads constantly make you money regardless of how many clicks you get, though of course if you get no clicks your probably only gonna earn a few cents a day. But you can also withdraw money anytime you want to your paypal account, though paypal fees will take $1 (its a flat fee, normally paypal charges a % but this actually saves you money if you withdraw $20 or more). It's also possible to advertise on other sites for free using project wonderful, because if nobody else wants to advertise on a particular ad spot then you can usually choose $0. So its basically perfect for smaller sites that don't expect to pull in hundreds of dollars every day from ads.

I've been using PW for a couple years now so if you have any questions I might be able to answer them.


This week I've had a couple new ideas for the personal blog portion of PycoBlogs (wordpress type blogs, rather than a 64d style blog community). Basically I think it would be neat if you could create watch lists of blogs and then it would merge all the blogs together into one list. That way if you had a bunch of different blogs you read, you could combine them all together into a list to make watching them easier. You could even have themed lists, so maybe one for game blogs, one for technology blogs, etc.

Also randomly inspired by twitter would be reblogging, which would be similar to retweeting. In a watchlist it wouldnt show up if the reblogged blog was already in the watchlist.


I've been trying to come up with a name for the game, I'm using "Distant Journies" as the codename for now but I'm guessing its too generic to use as the actual name. DF suggested I use the games location as the name, but I haven't named the world yet and I spent a long time in my random name generator with little luck. The best one I've seen so far is probably Korbis <_<


JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

No Sooner did I put GeekTon on Project Wonderful you post this.

Lol inducing, mate.

Carlos508 13 years, 5 months ago is another advert service I like. The way it works is you "sell" ad space on your site to other businesses/sites, it's a constant monthly income so even if you get 0 visitors you still make something. Combined with Project Wonderful it kicks grundle.

Watch lists are RSS feeds aren't they? I briefly read something about sites like Dig and Stumbler or whatever, I think that's similar to what you are talking about

KaBob799 13 years, 5 months ago

Probably, I've also realized it had some similarity with facebook features that I have never used. But the advantage is that this will all be running from my own site so it can have a lot of stuff integrated in.