PT 5.014, CheeseMod 1.2.5_1 and games I'm playing

Posted by KaBob799 on April 5, 2012, 12:32 a.m.

Today saw new releases for both of my programming projects, so imma put the changelogs here.

Pokemon Twilight 5.014:

Fixed a few typos

Fixed a graphical error in the start of the game

Half fixed the woman in mossville so that she realizes the potions are gone

Fixed the level cap to be 150 as originally planned and added new code for calculating stats beyond level 100.

Made pokemon start with happiness 50 instead of 1 and added the basic happiness systems to the game

Fixed pricing and steps of all repels

Moved the level found text to show after the location found, instead of after the nature.

Added a happiness indicator to the stats screen

Fixed the battle turn counter (for stuff like quick balls and fake out) to include item use as a turn (hopefully didnt break anything..)

Added stat items (x stat and some new "berries")

Fixed the glitch where trainer pokemon would have incorrect movesets

Gave warmy/worgeddon a partial tm list

Minor updates to some movesets

CheeseMod 1.2.5_1: This is only a partial changelog, since I did that beta prerelease last month.

Added veteran/staff command /block sign which is used to modify the text on existing signs. “/block sign 1 text goes hereâ€? would put text goes here on the first line of a sign. Or if you want to do all 4 lines at once, do /block sign all line 1::line 2:: line 3::line 4. Can be useful for adding color to signs because you don’t have to worry about the bbcode tag taking up too much space.

Added /biome command, admins can do /biome set [biomename] to change the biome of your current x/z position. Do /biome set [biome] [range] to set biomes in a range and /biome set [biomefrom] [biometo] [range] to change one biome to another biome in a range. Also removed /check biome, use /biome or /biome check instead. A range of 1 would only edit the block you are in, while a range of 2 would be a 3x3 square, 3 would be 5x5 and so on. For multi-word biomes, either remove the space or use _. You can use /biome list for a full list of biomes. For now, you have to leave the area/log out to see the new biome.

Added , , , and [/] bbcodes. [/] cancels all open bbcodes

Made it so chatbot messages go through the “bbcodeâ€? parser

Added different log types to /kit

Made it possible to spawn baby villagers as well as different types of villagers. Example, /spawnmob butcher. Options are blacksmith, butcher, farmer, librarian and priest.

Added /check spawnloc so you can see where you will respawn

Added the /fly command which will allow anybody to fly in worlds that have allowFlight=on

CheeseMod now saves if you’re flying and your bed spawn location per world

Added the fireproof and invincible keyword for entity spawning, ex /spawnmob fireproofchicken. Fireproof lets them catch on fire but they take no fire damage or lava damage. Invincible is staff only. These settings are lost if the server is restarted, but not if it is reloaded.

Made /mobs fire give the maximum possible fire time, instead of only 100 seconds

Fixed player respawning when you die in the nether or end so that you end up in the main world instead of the “spawnâ€? of the nether/end.

The player death messages now properly identify when you are killed by a ghast or creeper explosion

The /block place length limit is now 25 for mods instead of 16.

/listwarps now lists 20 warps instead of 16 and you can now do /listwarps * 50 to list 50 warps.

Added the spawnRadius and spawnEditGroup settings to world properties. Functions similar to the vanilla spawn protection but lets you limit it by group and world.

Added the new admin only /shape command. This command will eventually replace alchemy and convert, but for now it only handles pyramids. To use do /shape pyramid [from] [to] [height]. The pyramid will be placed with the bottom at your feet. The from argument can either be in the format of an id number, id-data, or the keyword all. You can also do hpyramid for a hollow pyramid and a negative height value for an upside down pyramid. Uses the alchemyMax setting to limit maximum size.

So I've been doing a lot of programming on this stuff lately, its been pretty fun. I've been really busy with class though, so most of my free time is spent programming or playing a game. I really need to start working on my websites again too, especially the CheeseMod site which is ridiculously out date.

Lately I've been mostly playing Minecraft, Sins of a Solar Empire and Red Dead Redemption. I got those last 2 games on sale recently and they are pretty good, I've probably put like 20 hours into Red Dead in the past 2 weeks.

Sins of a Solar Empire isn't great but its ok, it suffers from the problem that most strategy games have. It takes too long and on big maps your fate is decided potentially hours before you manage to win or lose. I think that its partially fixed in the patch I downloaded, cause it said the AI could now surrender. So I guess I'll find out next time I play, either way it was well worth the $3 or whatever I paid for it. If you like online play I dunno how good this game is cause I haven't played an online rts since the days of Starcraft 1 and Age of Mythology =p


firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago


Shows how much I pay attention.

I'll have to play it when it's not 2 in the morning.

KaBob799 12 years, 11 months ago

Well it's the same 3 gym version thats been out for years lol, I've just been fixing glitches and adding tiny random new features. But now that 5.014 is out I'm starting work on 5.5 which will add 2 new gyms and who knows how many new features =D

Alert Games 12 years, 11 months ago

Nice updates! I will have to check them out when its not class time.

Glen 12 years, 11 months ago

OMG I didn't know you were still making Pokemon Twilight!

KaBob799 12 years, 11 months ago

Haha yeah I started making semi-monthly updates back in November.