The 1 and only, BobBadge! it iwll probably never be used but I made it anyway, it would be nice if I could have it like halibutski got the halibadge though.

The 1 and only, BobBadge! it iwll probably never be used but I made it anyway, it would be nice if I could have it like halibutski got the halibadge though.
I understand but what makes you say that
0.0 lots of comments
hardley any on topic
lol true
Hardly any with good spelling and/or grammatical skills. Go to school, kids.
I am in school i just failed spelling J/K. Geez i've never seen anyone like this on the internet. On the internet there is no grammer
Sometime I don't feel like using grammar, buty that does not mean I will go to school during the summer.
Hokd onn Phonix woked fo mee
That's alpha man (his user name says mirroraura, but, damn it, he's alpha man <_<). He's, uhh, special. BTW, if you think someone broke a rule, don't post about it, report about it.