CheeseMod 1.3.2_1 Changelog

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 29, 2012, 5:16 p.m.

Well bukkit finally did a recommended 1.3.2 build, though I'd hardly call it complete since it lacks obvious features that should have been done weeks ago. But regardless, here's the changelog. Its relatively tiny due to my lack of time and bukkits lack of progress, but I'm going to be working on all my big ideas hopefully for the 1.4 update. The first few things on this list were already available in the beta build of cheesemod.

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Added haxxy save file support for books (bukkit STILL doesn’t have an API for them), as well as proper per-world enderchests.

Added useDat property to If on, it allows players to claim their inventory/xp from a .dat file in the current worlds /players folder. This is so that switching your primary world, or copying in a primary world from a different server will allow players to keep their items. Defaults to off. Note: This will not recover your location from the save file as there is no way to tell which world you were in. To claim items, just do /item claim in the world containing the dat files.

It is now possible to use /item clear in survival worlds (although I can’t imagine why you would want to =p)

Added /ridemob random mob1,mob2,mobetc, also works with stack. Ex: “/ridemob random cow,sheep,pig,chicken 20 stackâ€?

Halved skeleton riding pig spawn chances (now that pigs don’t despawn, its causing overpopulation) and added a low chance of skeleton riding cow (still uses the spawnPigSkel property).

Made it so tamed animals have death messages if in a survival world, regardless of mobDeathMessages setting.

Added world size limitations: to turn on, set sizeLim=on in the world properties and then sizeX and sizeZ will define the width in blocks of the world. centerX and centerZ will decide where the center of the limit is. You can either set them to off, which defaults to the spawn point, or add your own X/Z if you don’t want the spawn to be in the middle of the level. This feature will be expanded on in the future


JID 12 years, 5 months ago

nice. i should get back into the pc version of minecraft, it's been a while.

Glen 12 years, 5 months ago

Sounds cheesy.