Website question

Posted by Kaz on Feb. 6, 2006, 9:43 p.m.

How would I make a submit thingy, sorta like when you post a new blog. You type a name and a request for some updates on the site. What the user typed is written onto the same page after they hit submit. Could this be done with javascript or html? Yes I looked at the source, didnt really help. I know how to make forms, just dont know how to write it out onto the page like the site admin did.


ludamad 19 years ago


ludamad 19 years ago


Kaz 19 years ago

Lol, Im really bored.

ludamad 19 years ago

=D :P

firestormx 19 years ago

I don't know if javascript can write to files, but if it can, you can use ajax to read from them.

However, it'd be a lot easier if your host supported php. (And even easier if it supported mysql)

Does it?

Kaz 19 years ago

I believe it does since I see a site with blogs on it that has the same host as me.

flashback 19 years ago

Javascript doesn't support file I/O (Well, ok, cookies, but nothing server-side).

firestormx 19 years ago

Javascript supports input (I use it on this site a lot) but no output I guess.

For really simple php file I/O, you should check out Daverave's <a href="">simplog</a>…

Then eventualy, you can move on to databases.

gamehawk 19 years ago

<font size="1">

You can write to other .js files with Javascript I believe,but it'd be more secure and better to use PHP. Lower the font on your blog by the way.




chicklet 19 years ago

good lord im lost @_@