New Community Project

Posted by Kaz on Oct. 18, 2009, 10:56 p.m.

So as some of you know, a group of us have talked about re-doing 64D so it can accommodate our many skills that we have developed over the years and that have moved us away from Game Maker. Since I'm going to college for web design and am one of the few that have the time/ambition to start such a large project, I guess I'm leading the project haha.

I've talked to a few people and have gotten some input on what the new site should have and I tried my best to show these concepts in design-only form. FYI I stayed at my friends house and we played COD4 all night so I'm pretty tired and it's not my best, but it's decent. Also there's no color scheme because I suck with them and it takes more time than I had to do it. I'll see what I can do during the week.

Obviously, please tell me your thoughts and improvements. I am only 1 person. Log in will be on top-right FYI.

Design 1


Unnecessary blog link in the nav

Empty bottom space

Design 2


Blogs on left maybe?


-Will the site be a different name?

-Will we still focus on games?

-Will there be feeds for friends? (probably if the site expands far beyond this site)

-What the hell else do you want?


For those willing to contribute ideas:

Remember, we will have many different things (music, games, graphics, etc), so we need an easy way to navigate between them all along with their sub categories. The navbar I created will allow sub categories and easy expansion if we ever have to. If you can think of something else, please share.

For those willing to contribute skills:

If any of you want to help create the site, please tell me. This is a large project and it will take a long time to create it on my own. I already know a few are willing to help me. I will need people who are good with PHP, MySQL databases, and javascript(preferably jQuery).

I have my own server and will create access to it for those who are helping when we get to that point.

Next design ideas:

ETA middle of week

-Split languages into Games, Web, Applications and have a separate Examples page

-Keep forums

-Keep favorites

-Top downloads/Highest rating of each


Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

Well there has to be graphical changes, this is going to be an entirely new site with new ideas. Also, this will have nothing to do with 64D, just based on the idea of what 64D should be.

We will not be Game Maker only. We will not be games only. The first post covers this.

Josea 15 years, 4 months ago

I didn't read the above comments (too hungry for that etc).

what I say is, hmm, I don't see anything wrong in the current design. Why not build on top of that rather than going for something brand new? I think that the current design could do with a few touches here and there and a better way to navigate the database.

If I have time later today I'll make a pic of what I mean.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 4 months ago

I agree with the man above. Please don't change the current design. Or if you do, change it to v1.

I know it's something stupid and without reason, but I just can't imagine it being 64D without it's classic v2 layout…

Edit: yeah, well, change it, just don't completely make a new layout (ex. keep the comments looking exactly like they do, nav bar, etc)

Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

The current layout doesn't allow the site to expand at all. This is why V3 was being created from the ground up.

Rusky 15 years, 4 months ago


Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

It isn't coming.

Alert Games 15 years, 4 months ago

The V3 is a lie.

Also, although you may like the 64D and could go through some minor changes, it really wouldn't attract new members as it has before.

The main reason is because the site is not going through any changes. Hell, I think all sites go through changes at least once a year. yes, myspace, yahoo, facebook, youtube, etc go through new and better stuff. (except google…well they did add more gmail support…)

Besides, because GM doesn't have as much attention as it did in general, it would be better as a site to have more general focus for this kind of thing. And that's why I think it should be different, but based off 64D. Because 64D is a lot of blogging and game making/other things like it, where as this would be more about the submitting and programming and examples. What 64D was intended for in the first place, only now bigger.

I kinda babbled on, but yeah. I think this would be a good project.

HeroofTime55 15 years, 4 months ago

Also, this will have nothing to do with 64D, just based on the idea of what 64D should be.

then why call it the '64d revival project'

Kaz 15 years, 4 months ago

Alright, it was a bad name then. I obviously have nothing to do with the development of 64D, so I can't work on it or improve it.

Alert Games 15 years, 4 months ago

its called that because of making a new community off of what 64digits was intended to be. it could be called something else though. so i guess think of a name now…. or call it 64D 2 loll