Overwriting files

Posted by Kaz on Jan. 8, 2006, 9:24 p.m.

Whenever I try to upload a new version of something I already have in the file manager it says the files already exixts. It would be nice if you could overwrite it :)


ludamad 19 years ago

It's a bit safer this way so you don't accidently overwrite something important. This way there is no chance of losing anything. Just delete the old thing or change the filename, but it would be nice to have preferences that you could chose from, eg. if you want files overwritten, if you want the newest blogs to show 10 or 400 of the most recent blogs…

Kaz 19 years ago

Yea I guess. Youre idea is good.

ludamad 19 years ago

yeah, it'd cause less errors and it would let you realize you accidently clicked importantsourcecode.gm6 instead of uselessscreenshot.jpg.

Kaz 19 years ago

It asks you if you want to delete a file? When I try it just deletes it without asking…

firestormx 19 years ago

It'd take more work to have the javascript ask the server what the name of the file is that you're deleting is…And I don't really want to code that.

I could just put the file name into a javascript argument, but…Hmmm, it wouldn't affect the processing power, and unless you've got a ton of files, it'll barely increase the size of the page source…

*shrugs* maybe later.

Oh, and also, you're sure it doesn't ask you if you want to delete the file? If the javascript used to delete the file works, a simple confirm() box should show. O_o

That's really weird…Do you have javascript dissabled or anything?

Kaz 19 years ago

Well when I click the 'x' next to the file it doesnt ask me, I never used a delete button(if there is one). And yes JS is enabled because I use it on my own site :)

firestormx 19 years ago


Go into your file manager, then view the source, and search for

"if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this file?'))"

If it's in the source, then it should show up…

What browser are you using?