You'll be getting PLatformed news
Yep, I'm too lazy to change my home page, so yeah. Here you go, 64digits. You're retaining a member who said he was leaving because he was lazy.
For all of you to know, I don't support the reform of 64digits. II feel like it's a way to run from …Kenon's Out
I've been slowly fading away from 64digits for the past few months, and I think it's time for me to move on.
64digits isn't quite the same as it used to be. I really enjoyed it back in the day, before selfish brats invaded. I'm not happy about the framing …PLatformed News:
PLatformed is coming along very well. I'm soon to make a website for it on, and I have more music as well for it! A demo is fast approaching, everyone. So watch for it on the front page.
Can't post screenies right now, because I'm at school and …Sources for Health Report
WEBMD: Malaria. Medical: Malaria (Be warned, attempt to sell Chloroquine and other protections, but gives vast information on the chemicals.)FORTUNE BLOG =O
Kk. First person to get "You will become fatter than melee" wins!
GOO!(btw, the fortune tag is (fortune) in []'s)Lorem Ipsum Rant
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget nulla posuere neque varius ultricies. Donec quis dui. Nullam a enim. Integer convallis interdum purus. Donec adipiscing suscipit ante. Suspendisse metus magna, semper eget, viverra sed, porta sed, libero. Nam eu sem. Pellentesque consectetuer massa. …Breaking the new year in with PLatformed Screens
I decided to replace the tiles to match the character graphics more.


Hand in serious pain.. Owww.
Yeah, I got Guitar Hero III for Xmas and played it 5 hrs strait, on Hard level, beating Slash in Career mode and playing (Losing) against Zane (Medium >_>. You can freaking play hard >_>.)
Anyways, my hand is in some serious pain right now due to it.Blah blah …New PLatformed Song!
Thank Aeron again for this one! This one you'll be seeing in the first real demo which I plan. The song? You should just listen to it yourself.
<center><embed src="" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="myid=6388655&path=2007/11/30&mycolor=A2A2A2&mycolor2=636363&mycolor3=D8D8D8&autoplay=false&rand=0&f=3&vol=100" width="110" height="110" name="myflashfetish" align="middle"type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></center>It's "The Caverns", and it fits in well, despite Aeron's original …A 64digits Christmas Collaboration
Yep, I said it.
We're doing a Sprite Collaboration, probably for use as a background that you can dl or something.Anyways, rules are:1.Only make 1 square at a time.2.Have fun!3.???4.PROFIT!Here is the collaboration Image. I have started you off.