PLatformed News:

Posted by Kenon on Jan. 24, 2008, 1 p.m.

PLatformed is coming along very well. I'm soon to make a website for it on, and I have more music as well for it! A demo is fast approaching, everyone. So watch for it on the front page.

Can't post screenies right now, because I'm at school and I can't access my computer at home at this second, so I'll update it later once I get home.

Anyways, I've added many things since the last update on PLatformed. For one, the Battle System is done, and I've decided on a system that will work for the leveling as well as add tactics.

The Level-Up System

The idea of it is that each enemy, when defeated, will give a base value (.05 to 1 range in a stat right now, probably will change), but stats don't update immediately. When you save your game, you will have the option to update your stats. The key here though is that Every enemy increases what I call an Interest Bar. The interest bar increases by probably .05% to .25% depending on difficulty (Bosses give more). Each time, I haven't decided to do it after-fight or stack it when updating, but one of those will occur.

Today, I plan on…

Making the sprite and animation for the Save Stations.

Decide on stat building things

Implement a few more enemies

Kenon will be back with some screens in probably 6 hours.


EDIT: Some quick calculations show that it would take 40 enemies at max of .25% with the increase bar to 110% the normal gain.

136 enemies nets a 140% gain, which nets you about 40 more stat points on average for that amount.

My own reference needed for that.


Juju 17 years, 1 month ago

*Is excited*

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Haha, PLatformed news!

Wait, it's serious?

Sound's cool, actually, it's a good idea.

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

Yay! Finally some news :D

s 17 years, 1 month ago

Pics or it didn't happen

OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

With that said, I have designed several new enemies, almost every weapon, and the finalized design for a certain character. Such a bad time to be without a computer.

gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago

I told you, you can use mine.

Lethal 17 years, 1 month ago

Yay, I look forwad to playing it soon!

OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

I also have Teleka completely planned as of today. I swear on my life, it'll be done by June, if not sooner.

Cesar 17 years, 1 month ago

Quote: Kenon
Anyways, I've added many things since the last update on PLatformed.
For one, you've got something done, so .000001%>0, right?

Lethal 17 years, 1 month ago

I also have Teleka completely planned as of today. I swear on my life, it'll be done by June, if not sooner.
Never heard that before…;)