KenoBlog #1

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 6, 2006, 5:22 p.m.

<b><font size=7 color=firebrick><center>It's time for………KenoBlog!</b></font><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><br><b><font size=5 color=firebrick>—This is the basic highway of info for the average person!—<br>—Sure, ludablog is an Interstate, but It doesn't matter—</b></font>

<font size=2 color=steelblue>

If you don't know, I'm working on an arcade game. There. It'll be good. I hope.

Ludamad and most of the community are having a giant party now that alpha man is gone. I'm supposed to supply nachos.

Ludamad also defined Kenoblog. It's a Blog where you play Keno. Well… This isn't That. It's only called KenoBlog because it sounds better than KenonBlog.

Melee is making a platformer which I want to compare my arcade game to. That means my game WILL BE GOOD!

Biggmax was also bannneed. Heh. I never really cared for him anyways.

This Just in! I can't spell "Banned" right.

Mahfreeman(?) is trying to get Alpha man back. Smartest move would be to bring it to court and declare it, "Unconstitutional".

How can I spell Unconstitutional right, but not bannneed?

Well, If I missed anything, give me a hollar. I'll ammend it real quick.


<i><font size=4 color=firebrick><b>Kenon, saying, Sayonara, Bon Voyage, Au Vidersen, Adios, and Goodbye.</font></i></b>


melee-master 18 years, 12 months ago

But I asked fsx to fix it for me.

Kenon 18 years, 12 months ago


Kenon 18 years, 12 months ago


ludamad 18 years, 12 months ago

I'm supposed to be the one who gives community updates, at put some of my name +blog.

Kenon 18 years, 12 months ago

Hey! I can give updates that aren't as near as important! In fact, I am!

ludamad 18 years, 12 months ago

lol :P

gamehawk 18 years, 12 months ago

Why was he banned? Will he be back? Also, I make game in C++ that kicks your butts n00b3rz, lol. Just kidding sounds cool (*cough*but not as cool as C++*cough*)