KenoBlog #4

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 11, 2006, 9:30 p.m.

<b><font size=7 color=firebrick><center>It's time for………KenoBlog!</b></font><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><br><b><font size=7 color=firebrick><b><marquee scrollamount=10>—This is the basic highway of info for the average person!—</marquee></b><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><font color=steelblue><marquee scrollamount=15>—Current news—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=2 color=steelblue></center>

<font size=5><b>L</font></b>udamad is making an RPG. Like me!

<a href=>The newest Ludablog!</a>

<font size=5><b>I</font></b> am making 0 isometric games right now. A NEW RECORD!

<font size=5><b>M</font></b>elee master has another demo out. But it's only for beta testers!

<font size=5><b>C</font></b>higger fruit's life sucks. Still.

<font size=5><b>B</font></b>iggmax is back! He's now pretty ok.

<font size=5><b>I</font></b>f you are reading this, your computer has been infected with the "KENON" Virus. Now you most reply to all my blogs!

<font size=5><b>V</b>alentine's day sucks.<center></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=seagreen><b><marquee scrollamount=14 direction=right>—Member of the Blog—</marquee></b></font>

<hr size=5 color=indigo><table border=2><tr><td><img src=></td><td><font size=7 color=seagreen><a href=>Chigger Fruit</a></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><font size=5 color=seagreen>Chiggerfruit's life sucks. So he deserves the title of…. Member of the Blog!</font></td></tr></table><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=goldenrod><b><marquee scrollamount=10 direction=right style=alternate><a href=>—Link of the Blog—</a></marquee><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=goldenrod><marquee scrollamount=7>—Game of the Blog—</marquee><hr size=5 color=indigo></b><a href="">Elicti</a></font></b><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=5 color=Goldenrod>I didn't play this game. It just looks good.</font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=indigo><marquee scrollamount=7 direction=right>—Idiot of the Blog—</marquee><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=5><table border=2><tr><td><img src=></td><td colspan=2><font size=10>Hitler!</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3><font size=5>Hitler killed the jews. The jews are god's original people. If you mess with the Jews, you mess with god. And nobody messes with god. Or else. So he's the IDIOT OF THE BLOG!</td></tr></table>

<hr size=5 color=indigo><i><font size=4 color=firebrick><b>Kenon, saying, Sayonara, Bon Voyage, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, and Goodbye.</font></i></b><hr size=5 color=indigo>


chiggerfruit 19 years, 1 month ago

my life does not suck!!!

but not right now xD

and you called jews, ews…. xD

and i feel honored to be a member of the blog =)

ludamad 19 years, 1 month ago

You really got lazy with the person and game of the blog XD

Kenon 19 years, 1 month ago

No I didn't

Ok… maybe i Did.

Kenon 19 years, 1 month ago

Who likes the IDIOT OF THE BLOG section?

chiggerfruit 19 years, 1 month ago

i think the pplz of the world are idiots cuz he wrote a book on his plans 5 years before

Josea 19 years, 1 month ago

cool. Chiggerfruit took my place of "64d member with a sucky life!"

chiggerfruit 19 years, 1 month ago

i'm so proud *rolls eyes*

melee-master 19 years, 1 month ago

Yes, that version is old now… Lots of things have been added and/or changed. For one, I've coded a level loader that pregenerates rooms from .ini files. Yay. Now I just gotta make the level editor so that the person doesn't have to manually do it in an .ini… I've even added more levels.

Once I code the level editor part, I'll probably release V0.3.2 Beta.

Heh, idiot of the blog…


Valentne's day sucks.

Apparently your spelling sucks too. XD

Kenon 19 years, 1 month ago

Yep. Oh wait…… one sec….


<hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=seagreen><b><marquee scrollamount=14 direction=right>—Sucker of the Blog—</marquee></b></font>

<hr size=5 color=indigo><table border=2><tr><td><img src=></td><td><font size=7 color=seagreen><a href=>GML Josea</a></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><font size=5 color=seagreen>GML Josea's life sucks. It's worse than Chigger Fruit's. So he deserves the title of…. Sucker of the Blog!</font></td></tr></table>

Haha, Sucker!

firestormx 19 years, 1 month ago

Your Idiot of the Blog thing is so wrong…

I mean, it's true, but what he did wasn't that simple…