A day in the life of a Kenon

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 15, 2006, 4:23 p.m.

I wrote this because I was bored….

A day in the life of Kenon.

By Kenon

7:20. I wake up. Despite the rush to get ready for school, I go slowly. My mom gets pissed and threatens to kill me. She's not going to kill me. I know she wont.

During 8 to 3, I normally get picked on, take naps, read books, cause pain to a certain kid in our class, and take more naps. Oh, and I also do homework from the day before.

Around 4, I get home. I lie about the fact that I don't have homework. So I play Runescape, Warcraft 3, or The Sims until 7.

At 7, I get on 64digits and occasionally post a blog. like now, for instance.

At 9, I watch TV. I realise I have to do my homework and secretly do it. But only sometimes.

At 11, I go to sleep. I dream about this one person who I've known forever. Yes. I dream about myself. I'm sooo awesome in every way!

Repeat scedule



Josea 19 years ago

so, u play RS, what's your account name?

Kenon 19 years ago

Kenon Artuli

Josea 19 years ago

add me: gmcreator02

Fender 19 years ago

I used to play Runescape but stopped after all my friends quit. There's just nothing to really do once you've beaten 99% of the non-member quests and have nobody to play with lol. Plus my computer and it's lag issues don't help.

Kenon 19 years ago

I'm a member, so HAH!

ludamad 19 years ago

waste o'money

Kenon 19 years ago

Grrr… I sometimes like runescape!

firestormx 19 years ago

Why am I not the member of the blog again?

Fender 19 years ago

Uh-oh…. I sense mad-banning powers are close. Time for me to go lol.

Fender 19 years ago

Oh, before I go to my bomb….ish…. shelter…… What are your character's stats?