A blog made by Kenon

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 22, 2006, 6:53 p.m.

It's been a while since I made a blog. I mean, I have no fresh material. Well, now I do!

I'm in process of making my game, PLATFORMED! YAY! I'm making sprite right now for it. I got the whole storyline planned out, but I'm not telling you it. But It's going…….. hmmm….. good?

On a side note, This is an ENGLISH 2 KENON TRANSLATOR!!!!!!

DarkSirrusGaming = Dark Satellite Radio

Ludamad = Ludaman

Alpha Man = Alpha Boy

Melee Master = That guy who won't let me cheat

Firestormx= Mad Kat 3

Kaz = 11 kb?!?!? I'll see it in hell!

Chiggerfruit = Mr. My Life Sucks.

GML Hosea = What's his name

How do you like that?????


Rez 19 years ago

you forgot me… :(

Kenon 19 years ago

I don't have a nickname for you.

Rez 19 years ago

most peeps call me pez, but if you call me that, i'll kill you.

Kenon 19 years ago

Ok…. Time to get out my shotgun….. Pez

melee-master 19 years ago

Pez rule!

firestormx 19 years ago

At least spell it Madcat. =)

And how'd I get a name like that anyway?

ludamad 19 years ago

I unno, anyway whats wrong with 11kb?

Kenon 19 years ago

I dunno

and nothing's wrong with 11kb.

MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

You forget me too… Whaaaaa.

Fender 19 years ago

"Kaz = 11 kb?!?!? I'll see it in hell!" Love it when he says that lol.

"Melee Master = That guy who won't let me cheat" In what?