What badges should there be next?

Posted by Kenon on Feb. 25, 2006, 4:09 p.m.

I was thinking of something. What badges do the people want next? I know I have no say in the matter, but maybe some of the ideas that are expressed here will get heard by one of the admins.

Here is the curent list of Badges thought up by the people:



Community Asshole Badge



Been Banned Badge *accepted* (<img src='http://64digits.com/images/badges/banned.png'>)(<img src='http://64digits.com/images/badges/past_banned.png'>)

Game Ratings Badge(Bronze for 7/10, silver for 8/10, gold for 9/10, plat for 10/10.)

(images for it could be:

<img src=http://64digits.com/users/Kenon/Gamebadgebronze.PNG>

Bronze number of games submitted

<img src=http://64digits.com/users/Kenon/Gamebadgesilver.PNG>

Silver number of games submitted

<img src=http://64digits.com/users/Kenon/Gamebadgegold.PNG>

Gold number of games submitted

<img src=http://64digits.com/users/Kenon/Gamebadgeplat.PNG>

Platinum number of games submitted)

Most Active Badge

Firestorm Approval Badge (Firestormx thinks you should have it)

JakeX Appproval Badge (Jakex thinks you should have it)

Canadonian Badge (Canadonian thinks you should have it)



Number of Games Submitted Badge

Number of Examples Submitted Badge

Amount of Badges Badge



Best Example Badge

Best Game Badge

Odd Blog Badge



Ludabadge *accepted* <img src='http://64digits.com/images/badges/ludabadge.png'>





Comment as many as you can think of!


zagster 18 years, 10 months ago

Here's a badge.

Over a year Badge. This shows if you have been to this place everyday for oneday. It doesn't matter if you don't do this everyday but as long as the total is greater than 364 days.

ludamad 18 years, 10 months ago

LudaBadge, given to members by me

Fender 18 years, 10 months ago

I want a Ludabadge lol.


Fender 18 years, 10 months ago

Or no… Just a renderer badge.

Kenon 18 years, 10 months ago

Hmm… I dunno about the renderer badge.

chiggerfruit 18 years, 10 months ago

Most Added to Favorite Users list =)

Highest Avg Game Rating

Highest Avg Example Rating

Highest Avg Game Downloads

Highest Avg Example Downloads

Highest Avg Downloads xD

Most Downloaded Game

Most Downloaded Example

Highest Rated Game

Highest Rated Example

Most Soap Opera Blogs

Whiniest Blogs

Most Amazing Blog

Most Retarded Blog

Crappiest Life Badge xD

idk, i just threw some up there xD

Kenon 18 years, 10 months ago


chiggerfruit 18 years, 10 months ago

oh Highest Avg Rating while we're at it

Pookasnooks 18 years, 10 months ago

most soap opera badge? I might get one of those, I watched All My Children.

Pookasnooks 18 years, 10 months ago

oh you mean blogs about them?