<b><font size=7 color=firebrick><center>It's the lost KenoBlog!!</b></font><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><br><b><font size=7 color=firebrick><b><marquee scrollamount=10>Kenoblog is back from the dead!</marquee></b><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><font color=steelblue><marquee scrollamount=15>—Current news—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=2 color=steelblue></center>
<font size=5><b>L</font></b>udamad has thrown all his seCret messages out, and I have solved them all!<font size=5><b>I</font></b> have made 7 different badge shapes. I've uploaded 4. 1 is being used.<font size=5><b>M</font></b>elee master has anotheR demo out. It has a level editor!<font size=5><b>I</font></b>f you reply to thIs Kenoblog, You have a 1% Chance of getting a "Kenon" Badge! <font size=5><b>T</font></b>his place is updating faster than my game. Boy! I have to work harder!<font size=5><b>B</font></b>adges ROck!<font size=5><b>I</font></b>f you have a cusTom badge, You're Ludamad.<font size=5><b>T</b></font>oday, we had a conteSt I hosted. Ludamad won!<center></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=seagreen><b><marquee scrollamount=14 direction=right>—Member of the Blog—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><table border=2><tr><td><img src=http://64digits.com/users/JakeX/logo2.jpg></td><td><font size=7 color=seagreen><a href=http://www.64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=jakex>JakeX</a></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><font size=5 color=seagreen>Crazy I must be to put this person here, but JakeX has done so much these past few days with the Badge system. Now, everyone knows that the badges Rock, so I wanted to give him some recognition!</font></td></tr></table border=5><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=Goldenrod>Badge of The Blog!</font><hr size=5 color=indigo><table><tr><td><img src=http://64digits.com/images/badges/winner.png></td><td colspan=2><font size=3>Winner's Badge</td></tr></table><font size=3>(I mostly made that badge!)<hr size=5 color=indigo><i><font size=4 color=firebrick><b>Kenon, saying, Sayonara, Bon Voyage, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, and Goodbye.</font></i></b><hr size=5 color=indigo>Oh, and who can solve the secret message? Tell you what it is later!
the first ketter of each thing spells out'LIMIT BIT'hmmWait, wait wait….. What if your chances are above 1% before you reply to this? Does that lower it? And what if i reply MULTIPLE times… Will it accumulate?
Hmm.. I guess it might.
Actually, no
That's not it.What do you mean thats not it? I didn't say it was part of the secret message. And I don't even like decoding them anyways.
Still no mention of me… Hahaha.
How can you "mostly" make a badge?
Kenon, you're in for a hell of a lot of reading. Is your secret message any of these?
*<B> EDITED OUT BY LUDAMAD </B>*xDWhee! I'm the User of the Blog!
Although, for some reason, after reading through the blog, I can't seem to get the word "CRIBOTS" out of my head…. hm….