<b><font size=7 color=firebrick><center>It's the lost KenoBlog!!</b></font><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><br><b><font size=7 color=firebrick><b><marquee scrollamount=10>Kenoblog is back from the dead!</marquee></b><br><hr size=5 color=indigo><font color=steelblue><marquee scrollamount=15>—Current news—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=2 color=steelblue></center>
<font size=5><b>L</font></b>udamad has thrown all his seCret messages out, and I have solved them all!<font size=5><b>I</font></b> have made 7 different badge shapes. I've uploaded 4. 1 is being used.<font size=5><b>M</font></b>elee master has anotheR demo out. It has a level editor!<font size=5><b>I</font></b>f you reply to thIs Kenoblog, You have a 1% Chance of getting a "Kenon" Badge! <font size=5><b>T</font></b>his place is updating faster than my game. Boy! I have to work harder!<font size=5><b>B</font></b>adges ROck!<font size=5><b>I</font></b>f you have a cusTom badge, You're Ludamad.<font size=5><b>T</b></font>oday, we had a conteSt I hosted. Ludamad won!<center></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=seagreen><b><marquee scrollamount=14 direction=right>—Member of the Blog—</marquee></b></font><hr size=5 color=indigo><table border=2><tr><td><img src=http://64digits.com/users/JakeX/logo2.jpg></td><td><font size=7 color=seagreen><a href=http://www.64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=jakex>JakeX</a></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><font size=5 color=seagreen>Crazy I must be to put this person here, but JakeX has done so much these past few days with the Badge system. Now, everyone knows that the badges Rock, so I wanted to give him some recognition!</font></td></tr></table border=5><hr size=5 color=indigo><font size=7 color=Goldenrod>Badge of The Blog!</font><hr size=5 color=indigo><table><tr><td><img src=http://64digits.com/images/badges/winner.png></td><td colspan=2><font size=3>Winner's Badge</td></tr></table><font size=3>(I mostly made that badge!)<hr size=5 color=indigo><i><font size=4 color=firebrick><b>Kenon, saying, Sayonara, Bon Voyage, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, and Goodbye.</font></i></b><hr size=5 color=indigo>Oh, and who can solve the secret message? Tell you what it is later!
Oh. Repost the secret messages.I would, but Ludahappymod would go mod happy on me again. xD
OMG. Coffee eating flame weilding giant squids.