
Posted by Kenon on Feb. 27, 2006, 2:12 p.m.

Yes. I'm brodcasting this from school. I <s>hate</s> like the school. Every day, I have to go here. Except saturdays and sundays. Ehhh…. computer class is always boring. There are people reading Myspace blogs, looking up randon crap on ebay, and one person on 64Digits. 64Digits>Myspace. Oh, and I remembered something! I can give out a certain badge! Not telling you which one =) Well…. The teacher is sitting next to me, looking up clothes on ebay. There is a huge commotion. Apparantly, some guy tried to kiss another guy. Oh. There's one guy on runescape. He's the youngest in 8th grade, and is a lvl 89 or something. Heh. Kicks the crap out of my lvl 37. Well… I wanna make some sprites, but I can only make one. 15 minutes 'till PE. Oh, and Member points…. I have 3! YaY!

Well, the teacher will read what I'm typing unless I stop. Until then, Go here:

<a href=>Who kidnapped Kenon??????</a>


chiggerfruit 19 years ago

i'm guessing the badge you can give out is the mystery solver badge?

and our school's network blocks everything so… meh

Rez 19 years ago

<p><font face="Courier New" size="4">f*** school, being a jobless hobo is cooler</font></p>

Alpha Man 19 years ago

Your in school at 3:36 PM?

ludamad 19 years ago

You have member points??

Kaz 19 years ago

Your name is Kenon?

Supremejosh 19 years ago

Lol I played runescape, got to 85 combat, 93 fletching and 73 mining or something. Man it was a shit game. Anyway, you are lucky that you can go on all that crap at your school. At our school almost everything is filtered :s

Kenon 19 years ago

everything is filtered. I just snuck past the blocks.

Kenon 19 years ago

Oh, and It was….. 2:10 when I wrote this.