
Posted by Kenon on June 16, 2007, 12:47 a.m.

Evite is a Puzzle game where you avoid having any of the same colored orbs touching by switching, teleporting, eradicating, fusing, and splitting in a limited number of moves.

Progress is pretty smooth, and I have a tech demo if you wish to play.


Now to describe the moves:


Switching is the primary way of moving orbs around. Only costing 1 move makes it incredibly useful, but the downfall is that you can only switch with blocks next to you.


Teleporting is very useful for moving orbs across great distances. Teleporting allows you to be able to move orbs over gray orbs as well.

Teleporting cost 2 moves, so it typically doesn't wreck you, but you can't disown switching for it.


Eradicating turns any block you trigger it on into a stone orb. THis comes at a hefty price of 3 moves, so use wisely.

Progress in terms of completion:


[x]Check for adjacent colors

[x]Array based ID storer






[x]Choice by Mouse Wheel

[x]Easy to use quick restart puzzle (Not in Tech Demo)

[]Level Editor













[x]Gameplay Sprites



[]Level Passwords

[]Assorted Effects


[]Official background music


[]Puzzle Cometition

[]Game Completed

Here is a screenshot:

Kk. Comment, post the same bug dealing with eradicate sometimes not getting the ID, ect.



LunchTime 17 years, 9 months ago

Hai Key-Nawn.

Kenon 17 years, 9 months ago

It's Kenon or Kay-Nohn.

s 17 years, 8 months ago

I pronounce it like Slash