Kenon's opinon on V3 (Arg Over)

Posted by Kenon on Oct. 5, 2007, 6:34 p.m.

Quote: MSN Convo with The Irony Tree or Mr.Pacman
MrPacman says:

I doubt it as well. DF made 2 useful features in 2 days… which we had been requesting since V3 was announced. Also, if you guys truly had lives and weren't busy, then what the hell is up with you guys being so active and not doing anything? Also, JakeX isn't very active, now is he? Is it because he has a life? NO, he's made 3-4 games since V3 was announced and now. Tell me you guys have lives ag

Ok, that line/paragraph pissed me off bad.

Why? Because the reason V3 isn't done yet is more complex than the staff having lives! I'm going to compare V3 to something I know that is very similar: PLatformed.

The mistake both made is that we gave our creations TOO MUCH publicity, even if we didn't intend it. The wierd thing is, not many people think that when you get to a certain amount of publicity, you don't want to work. WELL, IT'S FUCKING TRUE. I know from experience. So to all of you complaining, have you ever considered that THE PUBLICITY THAT YOU GAVE V3 CAUSED IT TO BE DELAYED? The amount of publicity it gets from that, negative or positive, makes the creator uninspired to work on it in some cases.

To most of you, you don't understand how that is possible. Well, get it in your feeble brains. It's possible, and it happens. Don't say "Kenon doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about" either, because I do. Why do you think PLatformed has been delayed so much? Sure, I'm a procrastinator, but I can still devote time to it. I'm doing that with an unmentioned game right now. The problem I had is that I was only trying to make enough to publicize it further, and I felt uninspired.

So please, shut the fuck up unless you know what you are saying. I don't like ranting like this, but I felt I had to go ahead and say this, because no one has stated (in my knowledge) that the problem came from too much publicity and hype by 64digits itself. I admit I was one who was excited, and couldn't wait, but I don't fucking complain about it not being here. I have better things to do with my time, like rant about people who complain about V3 and delay games.

EDIT: GML brought up a good point, especially that publicity alone does not delay things. It requires something else typically, whether it be laziness or simply feeling it's too much to do. But publicity adds a huge amount of pressure to it alone, and by the amount of publicity v3 got, compared to v2 (v2's announcement was back in the ages of <500 people, before I came, so I'm only assuming) is a staggering difference.

EDIT 2: The point of this blog was to achieve a median of the opinions. I think we might have reached something along these lines:

The v3 makers made the original mistake, catching everyone in a Catch-22. The pressure was one contributing factor to delays, as well as probably laziness or sheer overwhelmment, caused the delays. Either way, v3 isn't out yet, and that's all that matters.


Josea 17 years, 5 months ago

It won't be long until v3 comes out anyways.

Just for the sake of everyone's sanity, don't put in the same sentence v3 and time stuff =)

KaBob799 17 years, 5 months ago

didn't someone just say they didnt know if v3 would have a forum or not, that implies that there is a lot of work left to do, at least on the forum if it has one.

LoserHands 17 years, 5 months ago

Melee said that there is an awesome forum in V3 a while back. If there isn't, they can release V3, and put up the premade forums, and then work on the forums when V3 is released.

KaBob799 17 years, 5 months ago

Im just saying theres some people acting like v3 is almost done and others who say stuff isn't even decided yet.

Who is right?

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Whoever is close in contact with the makers is right. But who is that?

Rob 17 years, 5 months ago

Why the hell does everybody care so much about v3? I say fix the damn downtime and stop worrying about v3!

Castypher 17 years, 5 months ago

I have to say both Kenon and Josea stated some nice points back there.

The unfinished state of V3 doesn't have to do with lazyness. I'd say it has more to do with motivation, reason, and necessity. The question is, do we NEED V3?

But it really is their fault for advertising in the first place.

And Rob also has a point. Think for now, and worry about later afterwards.

DesertFox 17 years, 5 months ago

Yay! I was mentioned! I feel loved :D

flashback 17 years, 5 months ago

Solution: Start V4 and don't tell anyone, then release that first.

Theonlywonderboy 17 years, 5 months ago

Ok sure I’ll give you the fact that publicity can ruin your work ethic because you only trying to please the community. That I get, but even so no amount of publicity can make up for the immense amount of time that V3 has been talked about and consequently delayed. It’s been well over a year and that’s plenty of time to pull together and work through any kind of problems you (you being the staff) have with the publicity.