Fellow 64digitians, something has happened.. something that is tragic.
Zaney Boy, better known as Obelisk Affected, has come up missing. I was getting worried after not hearing word from him in 5 days. I decided to do some research on the matter.Talking to Asterisk and Zalerisk, I have found that he hasn't been in school since the 5th of October. Before the matter, Zane was talking about suicide alot. And I mean alot. He really couldn't take it it seemed. BTW, Zane is fine, and this whole blog is a hoax. If you don't catch this edit by ludamad you really aren't reading things before you comment.Now, I'm not saying he committed suicide, but there is definately a possibility. We don't know what's happened yet, but we can only assume the worst sometimes.-Kenon. Drenched in Cold Beer.EDIT: Since Ludamad is a cold man, I have to shamefully plug in more info about Zombeez.Zombeez now has a triangle feature, which I made overpowered at first. Now it's balanced. Adding in Turret, then making video #2. There are many positive reviews of it, especially from REZ and Aeron. Aeron is now doing the music since my musician is missing. Well, off to work on Zombeez.
He took a break from life, wait until he comes back, if he ever does.
Aster and I have no clue where he's at…We're just as clueless as you guys. You don't have to be emo to commit suicide. And please, no more negative comments. This is a hard time on all of us. Can we just hope for the best? Please? Wish I had an answer…
@SY: You're saying this to someone who's not here, but it makes a point to other users.
It may be harsh, but Shadow Yoshi's got a point. I actually agree with you there.Wow, I just read all of the comments.
WTF is wrong with you people?You usually help people like this, not take a dump on them.I bet you're thinking it's madness, !ninja.
Sooo……THIS IS 64DIGITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Kicks !ninja into a pile of crappy mario clones*Skimming the comments on this blog and Obelisk Affected's last blog, it's pathetic how disrespectful some of you guys are.
I couldn't agree more, Living Spiral.